Vegging in an aero cloner?

Hello peeps,
Im honestly sick of growing in soil… this latest round has been nothing but deficiencies and bugs galore. Im over it. I purchased all the stuff last year for building a d2w coco system, but put everything on hold. My biggest issue was how I was going to veg my plants until i transplanted them into my coco system. I want to keep things simple as possible. Im going to be buying a turbo cloner and was curious if anyone uses these for the full duration of the veg phase. Im only going to be flowering 6 plants at a time so figure if i buy an oversized cloner and only put 6 cuttings at a time in it, i wouldnt have an issue with root space. Just curious of the pros and cons of doing it this way as it seems like id be killing two birds with one stone going this route.
Stay Lit.

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How will you keep the roots from all 6 plants separated? I find after the first few days of rooting they need transplanting or the root intertwine.


I know, thats my biggest concern. Im wanting to start growing smaller plants at a higher frequency so planning on doing as short a veg as possible until i can safely transplant and flip to flower

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As mentioned, the roots will be a tangled nightmare. Also, the root mass of each plant will grow larger than the diameter of the hole, so getting them out without much damage may pose a problem too.


You can always grow in solo cups till you transplant them to their final homes.


Didnt think of that. Thanks for help, guess im overthinking things but ive been intmidated by cococ i guess

@douggyfresh420 I agree with @Habitt’s comment above. I do a perpetual grow and start in solo cups then go to either final pot or 1 gal then final pot. The solo cups will be much easier to maintain the size and root structure until she can be transplanted in her final pot so I think this would be a good method. Never heard of vegging in a cloner but for good reasons as mentioned above. I use autopots and they have some setups that work with their systems where you can drop a lid on the trays and do 4-5 plants dwc style but once again good luck with the tangled mess


That autopot looks just like the new model of micro octopots… was thinking of just growing one plant in them especially autos using a tall skinny 1gal bag.

Really have not seen bugs be a problem with sunshine mix in the octopots so far.

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Autopots also sells dividers for their square bucket style setups to where you could run 4 tall and skinny bags in 1 bucket as opposed to 1 plant you could have 4 in the same yet seperated. Once again not sure of the practical application for this because having 4 plants that close isn’t gonna do very well unless they grow straight up


I have many times left clones in my turboklone for a month or more. the roots all become one, they grow into the nozzles, is a mess. but I just pull them apart, breaking them. then it takes about a week for them to start growing again. so, it’s not ideal. also they stuck the rez dry pretty fast. I just lost a pump because of it…


They have been around a long time, I bought my first autopots 7 years back and that was the 2nd or 3rd revision. They were a primarily vegetable targeted product in the UK making millions off of the greenhouse scene…… then cannabis users found them . Now they are making serious bank but CONSTANTLY innovating and have air domes in the base as well if you want absolutely prolific growth like RDWC, the only reason I stopped using and gave mine away was I went RDWC (current culture)


I have a monster cloner (current culture 35g pro) and I’ve vegged in there for 30 days then transplanted a few times, it’s not ideal but it’s not that bad tbh. There’s so much root mass usually it’s like a little root prune when pulling apart if you lose a few inches or strands. Mine never skipped a beat.

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Dividers could be great via auto fill. For me hand filling I’d need to top them off 4x a day or more during flower, so I’ll stick to one plant in the middle then set up a side hole for easy filling with a tube.
The hybrid system seems fairly adaptable, but hands down the thing I’ve noticed is no bugs in the soilless mix indoors or out.

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