Ventilation in grow tent

Hi everyone
Just wondering Would you be ok with just an exhaust fan and the flaps opens on your tent to reduce suction (but still have negative pressure) …and no intake fan .!!
You had a 1mx1mx2 tent in a outdoor shed that’s around 20ft x 10 ft but not sealed off …like the window of the shed is gone and the frame …it’s just been covered with some styrofoam and black bags :slight_smile: …and gaps all around the door of the shed and up around the roof a few gaps. Would this be enough fresh air coming in ? Or do You still need an intake ?



I would reckon it should be ok. I don’t use one. Your tent is also a lot bigger than mine so it should be fine.


As long as you have a little negative pressure your filter will work fine and stop the smell escaping :+1:


I too have a tent in a shed. I use passive intake except for the 3 hot months of the summer when I employ an intake fan. So far, so good. I’ve sealed the gaps and cracks in the Shitkicker Shed for the most part and have started with insulation using random materials. (Free) I installed an exhaust fan where one window was too suck fresh air through the shed and the other window is covered with plywood with dump vents to outdoors from 2 of my tents. Hope that helps brother. Much love and respect