Anytime I go somewhere new to eat I judge them solely on their biscuits and gravy. Double so if the restaurant is named after a person like “Jessie’s” or “Linda’s”. Quadruple so if you’re a “mamaw’s” or other elder name.
You don’t deserve to call yourself Mamaw’s kitchen if you can’t gravy a biscuit.
I’ve heard rumors of crisco. However, those were the dark times. If you don’t butcher your own hogs you know someone who does. There is always pork fat around.
I always get pm all over my garden, miraculously this year I have zero pest issues and not a spot of pm anywhere in the garden. long story short I’m scared to grow outside because of pm. this grow season might change my perspective.
Sausage gravy and Pepper gravy, which is basically a white gravy with nothing more than flour, butter, salt, heavy pepper (Country gravy). Then there’s chicken and biscuits which is made with the chicken fat.
WHICH. Now that I’m started up on my hillbilly bullshit again.
You haven’t had a chicken biscuit, or chicken dumpling soup if you haven’t had it with a “real” chicken.
We raise Deleware chickens and the fat from them is perfect. The color and texture is exquisite. It makes dumpling soup that will transport your soul.
I was born and raised in NY. Early career, the company I was working for moved my family and I to southern California. Not too much of a change, people were about the same. A little less cocky, but pretty much the same. After about 6 years in SoCal, the company I was working for folded. The economy was in the toilet and we were ready for a change. I found a job here in VA and we moved here. Major culture shock. The kindest, friendliest people I had ever met. The kind of people that still pulled over to help a stranded stranger having car problems. We fell in love with the people and the culture. Imagine a place where you walk into a gas station at 6:00 am and you smell fresh fried chicken, mac & cheese, seasoned potato wedges and every form of meat you can think of on wait for it… a biscuit. Up north, we didn’t know what the hell a biscuit was. If we did try to make one, it was with bisquick. A cardinal sin here