Imstinky’s Stink Shack

So it’s been a year today since I signed up for overgrow and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t check it multiple times a day everyday. I’ve never started a thread so I figured tonight is a good one to start.

I’ll be updating this occasionally with what I have going in 2 tents. A 4x4 with a 3x3 living soil bed. And a 4x8 tent in the shed with Earthboxes.

4x4 has 6 plants at day 29F. Two of the same pheno of Purple Afghan Hashplant in the very back. 2 goji OG F2s (different phenos) in the middle. And the front has an Old Soul on the right, and a Dominion Polecat91BX. The only ones I’ve run in here before are the 2 Purple Hashplants.


pretty flowers! I like them! best of luck!

:green_heart: :dove:


4x8 in the shed. Day 49F. I just chopped the Metal Haze on the far left because it was unruly and it’s not something I’m looking for so it had to get the chop. It was gonna go for far longer than I want and shading out my Kosher Tangie. Had the KT in our group for 10+ years now. The 2 on the right are pheno 1 and 2 of Field Trip. They are the last FTs I have as I’m moving on, I love the scent and frostiness of the 1 and I dusted 2 branches with Usefuls Chocolate Diesel pollen on it and the KT.


Kosher Tangie

Field Trip 1


Very nice looking in there @imstinky. Keep-on keeping on.

:green_heart: :seedling:


Grow is looking very frosty @imstinky. Like your use of earthboxes and living soil bed. How are your yields from your living soil tent?


Thanks. I’ve hit a pound in it before. But last couple runs, I haven’t weighed it out of laziness. It’s enough for me and my old lady, and a couple friends when we have extra.


Looking good @imstinky


Welcome to Overgrow! Lol jk
Nice work in there. I’ll be sticking around to check out the action :sunglasses:


Hell yea stankin it up! I see what you were saying with that Field Trip not being a big yielder


@imstinky looking like you know what’s up. What light bar are you using? I see some deep reds and is that uva in there? Looks great boss.


On the edges I have the 2 Cob fixtures I built a few years ago. In the middle is a Misfit Colossus, a local guy that made his lighting company (but I think it went out of business recently?). Sucks he went out of business cause this light is dope! Uv and reds.


Last morning in Kitty Hawk before I head home to see what the stink shack has been doing. I always love seeing the new growth when I come back.


3x3 bed looking good still. Day 45F in there so another 2-3weeks.

Goji f2 #1

Goji f2 #2

Purple Afghan Hashplant #2

And the Dominion Polecat 91bx chilling in the dark corner


Looking good :+1:


Very nice looking plants, great job @imstinky


Here’s the SIP tent on day 64F. From left to right, Kosher Tangie, Field Trip #1, Field Trip 2.

I’ve been having an issue with foxtailing and small immature seeds in my Kosher Tangie. I’m stressing it with too much light I think. Still trying to figure that out. Decided to chop today to get these out of the way and to free up some space in my veg tent.

Got everything cleaned up and wanted to repot some plants in the earthboxes but decided to get ready for winter instead. So I cut up a purple insulation board and put it under the liner of the tent.

Trying to decide what goes in the 4 Earthboxes next go around. I think I narrowed it down to
Goji f2 #3
Black Triangle
Soul Mate
GMO x Granny Skunk


That foxtailing looks sooo gooood though!


It looks cool, but the smoke is more harsh and I get a headache when I smoke it because of the underdeveloped seed shit. The only things I haven’t ruled out are the water from my rain barrel and the amount of light they are getting. It was happening when I was using super soil so I switched the Build a Soil way. Changed my lights, changed the room, everything. Still using rain water and using the COBS on the edges of the 4x8 tent.

Gonna turn the lights down some next run and hopefully the foxtailing goes away.


Got the next rounds plants in their forever homes now. I did nothing to the soil except plop my root bound plants in it. Lights are dimmed, heater is set to 80 and I did some light pruning/bending to get them to open up a tad more. I’ll net them up and apply some top dress in a few days then off to flowerville for a couple months.

Left to right: Black Triangle, Soul Mate, GMOxGrannySkunk, Goji f2 #3.