Viva Mexico! Legal Marihuana is coming soon!

That will single handedly be the best phrase I will ever learn. I get stoned and lose them a lot…


Well, I updated it a bit, and was going to add another interpretation.

O…un otro sentido

Ay Cariña, ¿visto mi kilos de marihuana?


That too! But if I lose that, I probably smoked it all…

Wait I just understood spanish!!!


Wow, you smoked the whole key? You must be one of those rastas in Jamaica that puffs the ganja for hours at a time.


Rasta Tejasen. :slight_smile: I do smoke a fair bit.

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What’s she saying? I think it’s



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Technically its ‘legalize the weed, whores’, but you are close enough. The vernacular translation would be more like: Time to legalize pot, you assholes!

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Gotcha. I know a few words and what not, but not really an understanding of them. :confused: I flunked spanish in hs. Lol

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I flunked French in college. The prof kept saying that I spoke French with a Spanish accent. They take accent seriously in France.

No se nada…


Since it legal everywhere there now ?

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I flunked it too. The Spanish teacher for the football coach and the teen was in my class. All they did was talk football. They were all Seniors too and I was a freshman.

Looks like Mexico is asking officials in Uruguay and Canada about their process of legalization.


How did it turn out?

Legalizen la mota, putoooos … bandit|nullxnull

I mean, nothing has changed and I doubt it will, too powerful familes making profit because it is illegal … :sunglasses:

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AAaw puta madre, “lobbyists” are keeping it illegal.

Maybe. El Presidente says that the legalize la mota en Mexico law will pass through congress by the new deadline of December 15. They are blaming the virus for the delays. I hope it goes through. If it does I may move to Baja. Arizona has a legal measure on the ballot in November as well. Montana, South Dakota and New Jersey also have state legal rec marijuana initiatives on the ballot in November. So legal rec weed in the US could climb to 15 states this year. Mississippi also has a medical marijuana initiative on the ballot.


Still going , good that, the more there are the dumber the prohibitionists look.

If all the 2020 state initiatives pass, that will bring the total of states that allow rec or medical mj to 35. Then we will only need three more states to reach the 38 states needed to get a constitutional amendment ratified. Then the feds will be forced to legalize it. But that of course will mean federal regulation and taxation. I would rather they just decriminalize it and leave it up to the states to regulate. Though even that sucks in many so called legal states.

Meanwhile Mexico seems to be loosening up the potential grow laws there. Up to 20 plants and a pound of bud per year there now? I could live with that. That would be like having a medical grow card here in Oregon. W/o the fees and registration caca.


@PanchoVilla If you move to Baja hit me up. I’m in Playas, Tijuana and been growing for 7 years down here. Peace.