VIVOSUN AeroWave A6 Clip Fan review

DISCLAIMER: I received this fan for free, from a giveaway on OG

Second disclaimer - This is my first time doing anything like this. If there is any additional info anyone needs, just let me know and I will try to add it to the review.

The fan has exceeded my expectations, and has made me remove my other fan from the tent. This small clip on fan blows more air than the large tower fan I had in my tent, previously.

The controls are simple, but effective. There is a power button that has 6 speed setttings, and a button to toggle oscillation. The thing that impressed me is that it retains the settings if you cut the power. I use a powerstrip from Amazon that has an app with timers. This lets me use this fan on a timer, without having to manually start the fan when the power is turned back on. The tower fan did not have this, and was very frustrating.

The fan is also very easy to attach to a tent pole. There is a bit of padding inside the clamp to keep it from sliding. I have only been using it for about a month or 2, so I can’t speak on how well that will hold up, but so far it hasn’t moved at all. The knob for tilting the fan is easy to adjust, too. I have raised this up a couple times through the grow, and adjusted the tilt. All the plants get a decent breeze from the corner of my 4x4 tent.

The only thing that has kept me from purchasing a few more is the price point. It’s currently $45 on Amazon. Still, with how well it works, I may end up grabbing 2 more at some point. One more for the 4x4, and one for my 3x3.

Thanks for checking out my review. Questions and comments are definitely encouraged :slight_smile: :seedling: :green_heart:


I now have two of these buggers, and I’ll keep adding them as I go.


They look awesome :star_struck: thanks for the review. I too am not in love with the price point, it’s $53.00 where I’m at. My last 2 fans I got off Facebook for a combined total of $25 but I’m sure one will die soon enough. Hopefully I’m feeling flush when that day comes :grinning::+1::beers:


When I first started growing I picked up 2 cheap clip on fans from amazon, but I swear I can put my hand in front of them, and not feel any wind. That was why I picked up the tower fan when I saw them on sale.


Same, but I got them from roses, and they don’t even grip the poles :sweat_smile:


Do they come apart easily to clean the blades? The competition, not so much…


That is a good question. I haven’t looked into that yet, but I will check it out and get back to you.


Thanks! After a couple cycles you really need to break these things down and clean them, they get sticky too. The blades gunk up and go out of balance. The ACI’s aren’t easy.


It has a screw you can take out to remove the face and get in there. I just went to look, cuz I had no idea lol


Thanks for checking that out. That is definitely good to know.


what grow strip with timer app are you using and how are u liking it ?

Thanks for the review @other_barry !

I really want to start getting these oscillating clip-ons but at the price point I’m waiting to hear about how long they last. At this point i’m still prefering getting 6" clip ons that cost me about $20 each and I run them into the ground. Eventually the mag-drive wears down and they stop spinning which is when I get a new one.

But that often takes a full year of growing where I basically never turned the thing off :rofl:

Looking forward to further updates!


Stay away from aci clip fans then. I’m on replacement #7. I’ve replaced them all almost 2 times each( I own 4)
Edit. Replacement #7 showed up 2 days ago. Too lazy to switch it out, knowing it too will die shortly


@Pigeonman I’ve only had my AC infinity new version Oscillating fans since May 2023… BUT I’m using 1 in my bedroom (not for the tent) on full bust 247 while Oscillating without any issues.

Same goes for the 2nd one in the tent, perfect :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Maybe I’ll do a review. Not tryin to hijack the thread here sorry.


do you leave the oscillation on? I’ve read 1st gen versions of these from all companies sometimes stop oscillating at some point.


24/7… Cadman is doing an extended life test. :+1:

Keep us posted on that as the oscillation is the usual failure mode.



Total failure, or clunking and clanking while oscilating. If it’s connected to a controller 69 watch for the speeds to go from off to on and keep doing that over and over.


Nice! I’m so sick of buying useless clip on fans, the monkey fans got me good I bought 4 all died within 15-16 months, and they sucked! Barely moved much air tbch. I’ve been looking at these and the ac infinity ones (these are 1/2 price the AC’s) thanks for doing this @other_barry :facepunch:t2:

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It’s all good. I just noticed they had one when I confirmed the price of this fan on Amazon. Mine has been turning on/off with my light.

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Yes, since the moment it was turned on in May…
I got the 2nd generation ones.