VIVOSUN Smart Grow Box

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I am always watching @VIVOSUN . You all develop things that I have a big interest in. :v:

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Click the link to get product updates! :smiley:Vivosun VGrow Smart Grow Box | All-In-One Smart Grow Box

Random question for smart grow box: :raising_hand_man:: Do you think having a viewing window is essential? If so, do you prefer a small or large viewing window? :face_with_monocle:


In general I personally donā€™t like viewing windows at all. In tents or otherwise, some people do and thatā€™s fineā€¦ I just like any viewing window, for me is just another thing that light can escape from or to allow someone els to look inside, maybe you donā€™t want then to look inside.

Despite me being in a legal country & having my license to grow, Iā€™d still prefer stealth growing. Atleast not blanently showing it offā€¦

But to answer the question, honestly I see value in having the viewing window and notā€¦ maybe you can have an A & B version, one with window & one without :wink: @VIVOSUN

I think having the air vent at the bottom built with the ability to control the air flow going in the box, with some type of plastic or wood sliding up/down door, to allow better control over air going into tent & light getting out if the tent/box.


Iā€™m a no window person, I have a couple tents with them and I donā€™t use them at all.

I agree with @CADMAN maybe find a way to do both? Or add windows, and make a cover thatā€™s light proof/magnetic to maybe stick to the box, if itā€™s metal.


Great ideaā€¦ Magnetic is the way to do this, Velcro sucks for windows and air vents.

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That sounds good!


Or perhaps a double door with the inside one being clear and outside one not. Then you could.just open the outer door and not disturb the environment :thinking:


I dig viewing windows. I think there should be a big one then maybe small ones on each side so you can see all round your plant from outside. I also agree with @cadman with having a vent or a way to increase air flow through the bottom somehow. Many people use magnets to hold the flaps sealed in still air boxes used in mycology and works amazing I think the magnets is where itā€™s at.

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