Wal-Mart LED...? Yes or no?

What’s your two cents on a blue 90w equivalent Great Value LED light for $6. Yay or nay?

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You can use it for clones, at best. But for $6 is worth a shot u know…

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Would having 2 be better? They are flood light style so I could do a e27 splitter and get like 5 in there. That $6 price is wonderful and it’s at the local Walmart​ not online. Would a red and a blue one combined be good to grow at 180w ???

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blue spectrum is for veg, red spectrum is for flower.

In flower it is better to have both.


I dunno that anybody on OG has tried that, you are breaking ground here @Seed413, let us know how it goes for you! Interesting project. My first plant i had was a Northern Lights and i had it with a circular CFL it was like 50w or so… Back in 1996.

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You know what they used to do near me, those big hps and halide lights that they have on the top of wallmart pointing down lighting the car park. sometimes they are on the floor pointing upwards lightin up a sign too. sometimes they have big cfl bulbs in other wise set up like a poot light ballast and bulb all in the lamp holder.

The kids would use rubber gloves insulated wire cutters, cut the power cable, unscrew the light from the mounting on the wall or roof, or ground put it in a bag and take it home, put an wire jing kit / junction box on and a plug and start growing with them.

I am in no way suggesting you should commit a crime though.


I tho about it many times, but never did it, they got mercury vapor and halides in some neighborhoods, but the real ones are the HPS they got 600w fixtures on the streets, bulbs last for years… LOL

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A decent hps bulb runs for 10,000 hours then it will loose approx 5% of its efficiency.


yes and it happens progresively…

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@Seed413 Maybe 5 of these: http://bit.ly/2t6WSJw
But then Wal-crap sells these too: http://bit.ly/2t6NJB3
Note that they are (theoretically) built for plants.

This is going to sound harsh, but dude you sound like you are 15 and clueless about “tomato” growing. You are posting on an “Advanced Techniques” forum about 6 dollar Walmart household bulbs. Do some of your own homework. Read some books on growing in small tents and spaces. Click the links, spend some time figuring out the basics. Then go to the Basic Growing forum with your questions, where they belong.

We were all clueless once, we did our reading, got some experience, and got a clue. Go forth…

(And definitely do not do what Herbie said :robot:)


I heard its ok to do it if you stand both your feet in buckets of water while cutting the wire, that way you are not grounded :slight_smile:

Do what Baudealire says. Look at the forum name in the top, advanced techniques and experiments.

2 x 5 gallon buckets of water, metal wire cutters, nylon gloves, wallmart car park, we want pictures, thats an adavanced experiment. remember to take your socks off.


Lulz, can I move this to the nub forum? Yes I’m new… Even though I’ve been on og since the first servers got raided. So I have not grown since then for fear the FBI had got all my info and pics and will bust in my house any moment. I’m glad to see it back. But I don’t have the same resources most have. I other words I’m still in a Prohibition state. I’m tired of paying so much for something I can grow myself. The only thing I was never able to do was get a hps. I’m still trying to get the lighting down with what I can. So for now I’ll take my chances with my sucky nub lights. Thanks again guys for all the help. I’m learning as I go.

HAHAHAAHAHAHAHA @Herbie be a good boy, giving such advice to people on here! HAHAHAHAHAHA


But no really @Seed413 we have a very detailed FAQ, do some reading and you’ll find a wealth of info and all the rest, pictures of setups and bud porn… Knock yourself out!


This post is great! So wait your not growing tomatos!? Oh damn son watch outXD hahahahahah

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I moved this Topic. @Seed413 if you have any questions please ask. I use google to answer basic question I have.


Yep I agree. But I think there needs to be a section just for lights. I can’t seem to find details on ghetto lighting. Also some of us are nubs and will ask a dumb question every now and then. Maybe a noob section for us to ask some dumb questions. But thanks again for all your help.


Hi seed413,

You will probably find the answer to your nube questions in the FAQ section, if its not in there then fire away. We are here to help, but just get a bit tired of answering the same questions over and over again.

We all started out as nubes 1 day, just most of us read a lot of books, magazines and forums. :wink:

Edit,its a good idea to refer to tomatoes if asked what your growing in the grow shop, but not the best idea in a 420 forum, you may get pointed to a tomatoe forum lol :smiling_imp:


Or people will think you’re a troll… People get defensive around trolls.


Yes, indeed.
I read that same advice in a book over thirty years ago (I think it was by Jorge Cervantes…Indoor Marijuana Horticulture)
it said to ask garden shop or nursery employees questions regarding tomatoes!
Also he recommended using MG for tomatoes…I know, the horror!
So, subsequently, I used the dread MG Tomatoe plant food for many years.
It worked great!
Oh well.