Weird leaves 🤷🏻‍♂️

So a few plants have this on “some” of the leaves … They seem wrinkly for lack of a better term.

And then i have some that look like this…

Any idea what’s up?


Are there any black or white specks on the underside of the leaves? To rule out spider mite poop or eggs.

I’ve had “dimpling” and also “spotting” in leaves and found bugs living on the underside.

But if your leaf undersides are clean, then i defer to more experienced gardeners.

It looks freaky. Hope its not HLV as the first and 2nd picture look that way.
@ReikoX can you help buddy??


I hope it’s not TMV. This link shows pics of plants w some similar leaf twisting and splotchy marks.

BUT a good note from the article:
Don’t worry about TMV if…

  • Plants with mottle leaves are otherwise healthy and fast-growing
  • Symptoms aren’t spreading from plant to plant
  • It seems to be genetic (for example common among all plants of a strain) but you’re not seeing symptoms on unrelated plants
  • You think another problem may be causing the symptoms, such as nutrient deficiencies, root problems, heat stress, etc.”

I would not suspect hplv since it looks to be in veg, or very very early flower.
Did you just increase the light intensity or temperature?


I’ve been in this position myself in the past. I know it’s extremely contagious.
Check out what mine looked like :rofl:


No big change in temps or light, they are in my greenhouse. I’ve checked for bugs and see nothing really. I had start of spider mites but treated them early and don’t see any new infestations yet…


Was it always mutantish from the very start , or was it fine till later on ?@Esrgood4u


If it’s contagious I should remove it all together? As I said in in a closed greenhouse… but no where else to put it

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It kinda seemed always there , figured it would go away

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It was fine and looked totally normal for the first few weeks in veg then it started growing weird. I flipped to flower and gave it a little while and that’s how she continued to grow so I culled it on advice from OG.


If in doubt bin it burn it
I kill all runts and mutants right from the start no exceptions

As a bonus the rest of the plants shall appreciate the space

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Did this plant have TMV?

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I asked on my thread what people thought it was and that’s what I was told it was and to kill it. Before that I’d never even heard of TMV.

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That’s about the worst case I’ve ever seen. I’ve had it(hplv) as well, about as fun as getting teeth pulled!
Tmv has never been found in cannabis as of yet.

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Luckily it didn’t effect my other plants. What I do know is leaf contact can make it spread


If you can isolate it until someone with more experience can help more. That why I asked for @ReikoX to call by your thread as its him that made me aware of it.
@George or @Mr.Sparkle what do yous think??

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Any ideas on the last pic?

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Is that a different plant?? If the soil was hot the tips would burn not the sides.
It’s near the middle of the plant so it’s not heat stress from the light.
Do you have a fan or your intake fan right next to it?? I’m thinking it’s wind burn but don’t hold me to that. Is it just on that one single leaf??

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What did you apply to your plants for the spider mites?