Weird leaves 🤷🏻‍♂️

I used this…



It is a different plant… and I don’t think it’s a wind thing. I’ve seen the last pic on a few plants or something similar. I have fans going but nothing to crazy

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It’s just a little weird where the browning is happening. If its just that one single leaf I’d not worry about it. If you don’t like looking at the brown bits just snip the leaf off. :+1:

It seems new leaves are fine until they get bigger… I don’t add any nutes to it, but made my own soil using KIS Organics nutrient pack. Starting to wonder if it’s something to do with that.


@ColeLennon you make your own soil don’t you bro?? You any idea what the problem could be??

That looks like a fan leaf that sat in a puddle of nutrients when feeding. My medium is 1/3 loose buffered coco coir-1/3 Miracle-Gro Performance Organics All Purpose Container Mix- 20% Perlite and 10% Vermiculite

I reused all my medium from last year. So I top-fed around the outside of the 30-gallon pots with generous amounts of this to recharge pots. Keep my PPMS up while I micro-dosed and dialed in the Mega crop 2 part and sweet candy I was feeding right down the center.
This shit below is pieces of organic concentrate. One of the best choices I’ve made for pot prep. 7-6-9 NPK @Esrgood4u


first plant yeah, may be best to toss, second one that looks more like a nute/pH issue when those leaves were forming new growth would be a better indicator if there is an issue


I don’t use any nutes, just water them at this point… two pics that follow are same plant.


Sitting in water and medium can do the same thing. That particular leaf placement tells me the chances of that are high. The plant looks healthy.


Time to lolli pop that plant.


Ok, that could be it but I can’t think of a time any of my plant leave we’re laying in the dirt :man_shrugging:t2: but it’s possible.


Thank you for chiming in @Mr.Sparkle you legend.
Do you think it’s the virus???

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It can happen at night. Can happen when you are not looking and 4 hours later the plants moved. I would lolli pop it and call it a day. Looks Healthy and flourished.


That weird leaf thing is on two different plants, two different strains.
Strain #1

Strain #2


That could be a # of things. Someone with more knowledge than me can steer you in the right way. :slightly_smiling_face:


I appreciate all the input everyone and continue to welcome it … thank you


Are these plants from cuts or seeds??

Seeds, also think they were in starter pots too long

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is it on all the newer growth or just some lower ?
cause sometimes leaves have this chaotic growth to the cell structure that sure could be a virus but also a genetic or nutrient thing.

Like first plant looks more genetic issue or something.

But second possibly a Cal issue say too low or two high of pH caused by off watering could be a cause reason im guessing that is there are little yellow spots on the inward part of the fan leaf serrations.

Like something to think about, new growth issues are an indicator of a current situation, issues on old growth is a tell of what happened in the past


So all plants are in the same soil…… would different strains need that big of difference in Cal levels? Where some plants look good and some have Cal deficiencies?

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