Weird leaves 🤷🏻‍♂️

Thanks again @Mr.Sparkle
I’d hate to tell someone to bin a healthy plant but I’d also hate to see @Ghgrower lose his entire crop because of that plant.
@Ghgrower are they seeds you bought online or locally?? If its a virus it can lay dormant in both seeds and cuts. Maybe contact the seed supplier and show your pictures.

The weird leaves are from a seed company, the ones with the burnt sides I won in a giveaway here.


Shoot them an email with pictures attached. Breeders usually don’t want bad press so will likely keep you sweet by replacing the seeds with something else and usually you’ll get a lot of extras to keep you quiet. :rofl:
Can you not put that plant outside somewhere to see what happens with it instead of killing it??


In my area the “law” says the can’t be in public view…. And I think in a locked area… which is why I built a greenhouse…. And a new nosey neighbor lol plus my surroundings usually have a lot of people.

See all the cars in the background?

I might be able to for a little bit but doubt permanently. I too don’t want to kill it, it’s my set amount! Lol


Looks like your culling it then. Take photos and drop the breeder an email. Show them your other plants in same soil to show its nothing to do with the medium/soil your using.
Welcome to the totally unpredictable world of growing cannabis and also welcome to OG.


All those cars. Looks like you live near where a football game is played. That’s not a full-time parking lot all the grass is green. Even down the obvious lanes. I wouldn’t say what it really is anonymity and all. :sunglasses: My first year I grew my limit and lost 2. The second year I grew my limit plus 2 and lost 1. The moral of the story is to mitigate potential losses due to climate change. Gonna lose some. Plan for it.


Or do as I do and “fuck the police” :rofl:
@Ghgrower I’m UK and even breathing is illegal but I’ve still put 10 plants out and will be more soon.


That is another way to go at it. Charles is probably more lenient than his mother was. :rofl:


His bday today the prick. I can’t Stand the monachy.
Harry is the only decent one. He’s like one of the boys who’d go for a pint with you and @ColeLennon would be hanging out the back of his lass while he’s out


If I was in the UK my plant count would of gone up the minute he was crowned. :rofl:

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if watered differently yeah can happen, lockout vs threshold.

But grab some shots of the top of the plants as side lower growth doesn’t tell the whole story.

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The two with weird leaves….

The trio with burnt side leaves


I’m almost wondering if my soil didn’t cook well enough when I made it

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Did you start those inside with LEDS? Could be sun burn from LEDS when young. I had a shiskaberry I grew outdoors in 21. Zebra’d from burning it when it was 2-3 weeks old. Half the plant was yellow and stunted all the way through bloom. Weirdest thing I’ve ever seen.

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Window ledges and then a 100W led later on. My hope was window then greenhouse, but this spring stayed way to cold

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I burnt mine with 2 - 30 watt leds. Possibility I always think about it now. Chances are it’s not that with yours.

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They seemed ok under it…. But who knows :frowning:

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You might never know what it is. Wouldn’t stress it’s not hurting anything. It is not herpes. :rofl: Give them a microdose of balanced nutes and call it a day. :sunglasses:

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Don’t think I need to cull any?

Nope :cowboy_hat_face: