Weird mutant clones

These are clones of my northern whites seeds which were NL5 Male to whitewiddow female. The seeds were more than 10 years old??? There moms are flowering with no signs of mutation. I’m gonna run them just to observe and learn. More pics to come.


The lower leaves look normal - are they the leaves that were on the clone when you cut it? If so, I’m impressed with how healthy and large they are. What’s your method?

FWIW, I tend to get funky growth from my clones if I take them from a plant that I’ve already put into 12/12. They always figure things out eventually and normalize, at which point, I remove the mutant growth below the newer, normal growth.


Are those semi-flowering or were they revegged?

EDIT: I agree with @Purple-N-Hairy those look like they were cut off a plant 1-2 weeks into flower. They’ll revert to normal growth, just takes time.


I also guess reveg. Looks healthy.


Yes, the single bladed leaves are usually from a reveg.

They are not reveged and were taken before the flip???

It should outgrow it if you can keep it in veg and well nourished.

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Thanks to all of you for your advice. I appreciate it.

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