Took some clones ...

Took some clones of a buddy of mines plant and the mother plant has these wierd leaves like this.What the hell causes this.Is this a genetic thing ?Or is this a mutant?Not a whole bunch every where but enough to go what the hell is that?


I’m no expert but the distorted leaves look like old growth, any roots yet?

I’ve seen leaves turn over like that if the light is too strong for it.

Could also just be old growth… :thinking:


The plant I took it off of had leaves like this.That leaf was on the clone when I took it.Don’t know if I have roots yet it’s been 7 days and I don’t see and spikers yet.

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Any chance it’s a reveg?


This would be my guess based on the weirdo leaf.

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Clone taken from flowering plant, revegging leaves.


Guy who gave my buddy the clone says it’s part of the plants genetics.I personally think he monster cropped it

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5 months later I hope its got 3 leaves at least