What are the negative effects of taking a strain that has been grown indoors multiple generations and growing it outside?

Yes im just trying to get some decent seeds not any specific type. I’m entering all the giveaways i can

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A lot of people show up on OG and immediately start sniffing around for seeds, without contributing to the site in any meaningful way. This site isn’t just about “Free seeds!” And the people who get the most butt-hurt when you ask a simple question like,”Why do you wanna know?” are usually the ones who are here just to scoop free seeds to either trade or sell and have no intention of growing the stuff about which they’re inquiring.

It really isn’t that hard.


Ive done the same things every other user has done to be able to use this site im still here and still using the forum i haven’t “scooped everyone’s beans” and ghosted the site ive won 1 pack of free seeds by calling dibs on them at no point have i believed this site would provide endless free seeds i just want a place to go to discuss the things i cant usually discuss because the shits illegal and it just so happens that awesome people on the site are extremely generous

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rules say you can enter giveaways right? so why wouldnt you be able to. that would be an issue for moderators.

if you feel like youre being harassed (or more accurate you and your friends talking in private sharing screenshots come to the conclusion that someone is harassing you here) that would again be an issue for a moderator.

if nobody gives him seeds how is he going to post plants? fake hippies annoy the living shit out of me.


To expand on this a bit, the OP of a seed run / giveaway / etc sets the parameters as to who is allowed to participate. Could also be a group, such as those running the spring/fall box.

As long as the rules of a particular OP are communicated, are not divisive, and is within the boundary of the site rules/TOS; a member running an OP sets the bar as to who is allowed to participate. It’s only fair since they are the ones doing the work and it’s entirely their effort.

For instance, some individuals have set a minimum TL as being a requirement … but there is nothing that says it has to be that way. Some OPs will set the bar very high while others, more or less, have no barriers (not recommended).

Over time, the community (and individuals) has adapted to changing situations. Preference by many is to be inclusionary to a fault but that has been shown to not be realistic. As some commenters have noted, if the bar is low there tends to be a high percentage of hit and runs. The hit and runs are a negative as it devalues the community while, at the same time, the joy of giving to friends and family is diminished. Such folk exist, we know this. But, again, the individual(s) running an OP needs to determine where those threshold lay. Levying indictments towards newer community members because they are legitimately participating under a defined set of participation requirements is the wrong tree to bark up.

If there is a participation problem, individual(s) driving the OPs should make an adjustment to the participation requirements. Must be TLx. Must have been a member for greater than six months. Must enjoy long walks while drinking wine or something. Etc. Stuff like that.

OG is intended to be a welcoming place and the moderation team desires to keep it way. Be gentle on newer community members. It’s fine to provide ‘fatherly’ hints and advice but harassment is frowned upon. Also keep in mind, it takes awhile to learn the written and unwritten ways in that this community operates. Allow some deference as history is built. Conversely, newer members are advised to make an effort to understand the lay of the land. Collection of seeds should really be a secondary bulletpoint. There is much more to OG some of which is only revealed from experience. Engage, contribute and get to know folks.

If there are suspicions, sock accounts, disruptive behavior, attempts to mislead/take advantage, etc, reach out the moderation team and we’ll look-see.


If you’re worried about them not finishing, build a hoop house. I built one this year for under $100. When looking at genetic studies what you normally see from plants bred to be indoors or mostly bred indoors is a loss of ability to tolerate stressor like herbivores, cold, wet/dry conditions, disease compared to something bred outside. That doesn’t mean the line won’t do well though, they’ve evolved for a lot longer than we’ve been around to finish their reproductive cycle. Your timetable for your grow may change, they may finish sooner or later, but generally should be ok. If you are really worried about herbivorous insects buy some praying mantis egg colonies and hang em on the base of your plant

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