What are the negative effects of taking a strain that has been grown indoors multiple generations and growing it outside?

What are the negative effects of taking a strain that has been grown indoors multiple generations and growing it outdoors? What should i expect?


Not necessarily any negative effects. the plants may express differently because of the change in environment… it depends what the line has been selected for over the generations , but the only way to find out if they will grow well outdoors really is to try.


my inside ladies love the outside

Sitting out here with them right now


Inside to outside gets two thumbs up from Jetdro, that’s high praise.



Agreed with all responses thus far!

So relaxing to just be chill’n outside with the plants :call_me_hand:

I would have to admit the indoor is a little warmer at the moment though…


Many growers feel the way to revitalize a plant that has been grown successive generations indoors is to get it outdoors under the sun.


None, other than bugs, they are the only negative effects…oh yeah, another negative effects would be a male plant in a 5 mile radius.


The bugs if you bring it back inside as mentioned. In general I believe that being outside will help re invigorate the plant.


I will never bring an outside plant inside ever again.Did it twice and got the worse case of spidermites i ever had.Had to completely destroy all plants it was so bad.I dont do that anymore and i havent seen on if those little bastards since.


I’ve brought outside plants indoors all the time, just have to quarantine them to make sure they are bug free before I put them with the rest of my plants…its common sense folks.


If you’ve been growing for a while (and it sounds like you have), you should probably know by now any of the potential problems.

Why do you ask?

my main concern would be that it doesnt trigger flower fast enough and doesnt finish in time. unless you live in central/southern CA or AZ. that has been the biggest probelm, why light dep has been used for half a century at least.

some cuts are finicky with fluctuations in environment, maybe they dont transfer well to outside in that sense, but the reason i dont try them outside is because i dont think theyd finish in time or deal with rain well.


This spring will be my second grow season pal. Because im getting seeds from people that grow they’re plants mainly inside and im curious to know if growing them outside will have any effects on them. Is that cool with you friend?

Oh, I know you’re “getting” seeds from people; I saw your post on stank’s thread about,”I’m at level two now! Can I have some seeds???” It’s the only reason I looked at your profile/threads.


If someone says “hey i have testers dm me and il send you some” why would i not hit the guy up? Ive tried a couple different dudes giving away testers and they both said the same thing i haven’t been around long enough to earn them and thats totally respected and understood if ive some how offended you or bruised your seemingly sensitive skin by doing that i apologize


Well good on you at least you didn’t answer like a douche bag that’s a good start

Im in the dark here did i fuck up somewhere? Can someone enlighten me

no dude I was saying good for you you acted like a gentleman and stated your case instead of going off the handle like most newbies would I wasn’t being facetious I meant it

so many new people come here to do nothing other than scarf seeds a lot of people don’t like that since I don’t scarf seeds from anyone I really don’t pay much attention to it but I understand ruffled feathers by the people who just give and give and give and then those that they give just disappear and disappear and disappear.

Just hang out a while to get involved in some discussions everything will be OK


Thank you man for taking the time to let me know the deal. Im not trying to offend anyone just trying to participate i know im new here and have dues to pay thats why im not letting that shit bother me. Just like the new guy on the job site… your going to deal with some shit talking until they get used to you lol

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You need seeds or those were just specific types you got excited about?

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