Ohhh for pollen lol I thought for seeds that’s why I was just like open, fill, close lol. You know a little dabber tool might work well
LOL! I was wondering how a spoon would work. I think I will just put it on a folded piece of clean copy paper and use it like a funnel to pour it in there.
I use an old debit card. A tiny funnel would be awesome.
In my younger days I was good at shoving powder around with my debit cards… Thankfully I grew out of that. Hope I don’t go into relapse lol My blood pressure would kill me…
yeah I pushed plenty of different powders around with a card too. I dont think my ol heart could take it anymore
HA! It was great until they started flooding the market with “M” and “C” dried up. I like my food and sleep too much so I just gave it all up. If I couldn’t have Coca-Cola, I was not going to settle for Pepsi And I am right there with you, I would stroke out.
Can’t reveal all my Bindle filling skills of the past… Seeds are Easy, count in palm of your hand roll down your lifeline in and flip closed
Craft store does have small funnels …
Perfect! I have one tiny black one I use to make my e cig liquids with but I am pretty sure nicotine and pollen would be a no-go! I will have to check out Hobby Lobby when I get closer. Thank you for the heads up! I suppose it would be for mixing essential oil blends.
i have tiny spoons for reloading and a tiny funnel
The 0.2 ml will hold 5-6 large or 12+ small seeds and is small enough can go regular mail…and because it’s so small, it’s super strong!