What are you smoking today? Vol. 2 (Part 1)

a happy & healthy 2023 to all of You!!


Bitties- solfire’s


Nice, what strains?

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the nugg & the black scissorshash is Orange Hill…(oder so ähnlich)
the lil brown one is maroccan and the yellow one is skuff


The diesel is strong in this one, OG.

This morning is an oopsie bud. You know, when you’re trimming large fan leaves (I do it prior to chopping) and you, oopsie, cut off a bud unintentionally. Because I’m not a particularly organized person and I like a bit of (what some might call) chaos in my life, all the oopsies from all my plants go into a jar together. They’re normally pretty small, so I mix those in the grinder. This one is large enough to be close to two hits. Dang, that was a large oopsie.


Cross that with an Afghani or Pakistani heirloom and call it Street Meat

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Unknown Destroyer - Black Fire Chem leaner. Light chemmy funk with a faint touch of Blueberry from the Destroyer side.

Happy New Year!


Bm has a warm place in my heart. Fuck gleaf haha except for all the awesome stuff they do to old people with 90 bucks a day to burn.

I know a nerd that doesn’t fuck around, which is priceless.


Juicy fruit, harvested Nov 3, 2022. It’s yummy!


What a Diesel Beauty!


Afgoo, 2 smallish buds


That looks good to me!

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Im back to work but im hitting my bowl a couple times, I packed it up with Crazy Miss Hyde. Good smoke, I got seeds from a friend 2 seasons ago. Sorry no pic.

Delicious! Don’t you just love to break open a bud and have that floral odor assault your nose?!

Or perhaps I’m just
High as fuck


im pretty much out of buds at this point, had to pull some testers to keep me going. these are a bit early, probably around day 55. the one on the left is @NugLifeFarms420 party pooper, the right is unicorn sherbet, im super familiar with US, but partypooper is new to me. she has a very strong bubblegum terp thing going on. bit of a pain to trim but she is worth it. cant wait to try a smoke


How many kinds of weed you got over there @mota ? Different stuff every day!

I can’t decide half the time and I only have 9 kinds :rofl:

@sardinebags those are looking scrumptious :fire::fire:


I had 15 plants in my 2022 grow, 8 varieties, all sativa. I have a bunch of commercial pot too (about a dozen varieties) that I intersperse with my homegrown. I’ll continue to do so until all the commercial is gone. (BTW, I don’t mix varieties, rather one bowl of this, next a bowl of that, etc.) I grind one hit at a time.

I consider myself for the most part a simpleton when it comes to smoking pot, no matter that I’ve been doing it for nearly 60 years. Here’s what I mean - I want to get high, pretty much as fucked up as possible at any given moment. Of course, that has to be balanced with adult responsibilities, thus “…at any given moment.” I have, for example, no specific reasons to get high other than to get away from myself for a while through cannabis. No physical issues, etc.

I’ve found over the years that smoking the same pot too regularly diminishes the serious buzz, which is what I’m going for. Thus, the same variety never follows itself, which is a big thing for me. I store my pot under the bed in mason jars. When I pull the box out, this is what I see. Note the coin on top of yesterday’s closing bowl, which happened to be the opener too. (That was by chance, not by design.) After I hit the DHOG this morning, that jar, which is not in the picture of the box because it’s “out for use,” will return to the box and the coin will move to that jar’s top.

Today, it’s a pile of small Dead Head OG buds, harvested Oct. 27, 2022, for openers. Generally, I post only opening hits. I usually hit the bong between five and eight times a day.


Sounds like a highly orchestrated methodical time-tested approach to being as loose and carefree as possible :rofl:

so naturally, I love it :fist::grin:


Time-tested stonerism. rofl


2g Amnesia(20€) 1g Black Cherry Gelato(18€) 1g Royal Cream(9€)

Today in Amsterdam.