Sharing the love

I wanted to start a thread where we just spread love, joy, kindness, etc. I feel like it could include positive affirmations, thoughts, comments, whatever you’ve got. Gratitude and appreciation for the amazing OG community or folks within the community is applicable here too. Pictures of things that bring joy to your heart are cool too. Just kind of a place for people to pop in if they need to raise their vibrations in general. I guess I’ll start things off with some appreciation for this fine community. I really do love OG and everybody here. There is just so much love and support shown around here, it is so amazing. So many beautiful souls. I appreciate everyone who shares their input and feedback on everything. Without the free exchange of information and ideas my growing/gardening knowledge would be light years behind where it is. I guess that’s it for now, my focus isn’t at peak performance right now so I’m struggling to form the cohesive ideas I envision. So I’ll just finish this off with a positive affirmation of sorts

And to anybody who needs to hear it: you are a beautiful soul and you are loved. If nobody else has said it to you today and meant it; I love all y’all


Nice, we could all use a little more love and kindness!

I have not been here long (since beginning of Jan) but Ive been on here almost everyday since. I was cooped up so long not being able to share or even talk about my hobby that I feel I may be somewhat annoying in the amount I insert myself already lol.
This is just such an amazing group of growers and people, I cant help but to engage.
Thanks to all for making me feel welcome!

Positive vibes for everyone!


If cute or silly kids bring you happiness, here’s some of my funny guy. He brings so much joy to my heart and never ceases to amaze me in so many ways


No more annoying than every other person here, which is not at all :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: thanks for popping in to say what’s up. I’m glad that you found someplace to hang with some kindred folk :call_me_hand:


Thank you for this @MWgrower. I am constantly blown away by the kindness and love that exists on this board. Sure there are some negative moments, but given the negativity and exclusion that exists in Cannabis, it seems like it is largely absent on here, which is amazing and so rad. Also, the history of OG and the knowledge of the membership is so cool.

I found OG when I was starting out on my journey to cultivating cannabis, and not having any irl friends or acquaintances who cultivate, I really was taken back by the welcome I received and the conversations had.

In a somewhat unique point in my life, where I found myself somewhat devoid of social contact due to a global pandemic, I have been so grateful and full of love for everyone on this board, and the board itself.

I appreciate every single person on here, and thought I would end my post with an affirmation I say to myself every day

“Same old friends the wind and rain, Summers fade and roses die,
You’ll see summer come again, Like a song that’s born to soar the sky.”


Well said and beautiful affirmation. I really like that and may have to use that. Thank you for sharing. All the kindness round these parts and all the unique viewpoints really make it a special place


Aye, happiness is what counts for children, happiness and harmony


Cant take credit for the affirmation, but it has been very helpful to me.


Thank you for this. Today’s been a tough day for me and seeing others like yourself wanting to spread joy & happiness is well… just damn joyful, and much appreciated.



The Dead and their amazing fan base are always a beautiful thing and really something to behold. I was deep into some Brent era stuff this morning. Had me all in my feels :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


I’m very glad to make at least one person smile. It really is medicine for my soul if I’m being honest


My wife’s brother follows the Dead & co. lineup for each show of the tour in the US when they’re touring. Them and Bruce.

One day I’ll have his money, one day… lol :slight_smile:


Brent had SOUL for sure!


All day… :100:


I always love watching the old videos of him and Jerry interact and play off each other on stage. Something special


Here’s something we’ve all heard many times, but it’s such a beautiful song to start the day off in a positive mood. I actually got a book for my son when he was just an infant that is adapted from these lyrics. It’s pretty cool. Make it a great day everybody :v::green_heart::bulb:


Saw this sign in a little Mexican ice cream shop today. That and the fake greenery and sunflowers on the wall made me smile. It’s the little things. Hope everybody had a good one :call_me_hand:


Oh yeah, and seeing 6 robins in my neighbors yard was great too. Sure sign spring is almost upon us. For anybody counting that’s not 6 birds in the pic :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: they looked so tiny you couldn’t even tell what they were if I tried to fit em all in. Soon I’ll be overwhelmed with plants, just the way it should be


Another thing that made me smile, smile, smile. Out for bday lunch yesterday with some fam at an Irish pub and a killer Mississippi Half Step came on. Next was Taxman from The Beatles Revolver album( one of my favorites albums of theirs) and after that Tennessee Jed. The universe was smiling on me and blessed me with some fine jams. I went outside for a smoke and ran into a guy I met in therapy a couple years ago who looked and sounded to be doing great, which made me happy. Lots of reasons to smile as long as you look with the right kind of eyes. And my positive affirmation for today : I see the perfection in all my flaws and all my genius


Found this blazingly bright refraction off of my sons fish tank. Thought that and the shadows looked neat together. Have a beautiful day y’all. Hold the door for someone, smile and say hello, strike up a polite conversation while waiting in line somewhere. Be at least a tiny piece of the love that you’d like to see in the world. It can’t hurt right? :v::green_heart::bulb: