What are you watching? (TV & Movies)

I had/have a huge crush on her, she’s an amazing Sci fi actor :see_no_evil:

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You’re right. It’s Amanda Tapping.

I loved the movie and the series. Even Stargate Atlantis.

In a interview Richard Dean Anderson said that the Stargate was the best prop in the business. You can go to the other side of the galaxy and be home for dinner.

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She played a good intellectual turned soldier. She made some supernatural series after she did Stargate. I didn’t like it as much.

I didn’t realize she was English.


That link says she also played in this


Did you give this a watch? I might have to

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I’m to hard core sci-fi for that one. It’s more supernatural, at least as I remember it.

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For me as long as it’s quality and compelling, I’ll watch it.

Running out of qualify Sci fi stuff to watch, would love recommendations

The expanse was a good one, so is silo and foundation

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Have you seen Serenity? Only made one season. It’s sorta like a western. Hard to explain. They also made a movie, but I really like the series.


There’s Total Recall & The Sixth Day - Arnie movies.


I need to watch the 3 body problem on Netflix. I read the book. Has anyone seen it?

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Firefly and Serenity are good! I met Nathan Fillion once


He signed thank you to me

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I’m not done, it seemed alright. Didn’t quite capture my interest.

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It comes to a frightening conclusion. Have they discussed the dark forest yet?

The books are difficult to read. They are translated from Chinese. The story is slow with very little action.

It’s the conclusion regarding the dark forest that is the shocking part.

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I’ve read the books also

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I read sci-fi constantly. I download 10 every night from this free site:


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I liked the sun eater series

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I haven’t read that one. At least I don’t remember it. I’ve read so much pulp over the last 40 years that I don’t bother remembering titles anymore.

I tend toward military space operas.

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