What do stoners eat? 🍴 (Part 1)

Thats why I buy organic free range eggs :wink: no artificial colours.

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Yesterday’s meal was a veggie burger and salad the wife had salmon a la Rabeats2093 and new potatoes and salad.

Salad is made of baby spinach, spring onions, pumpkin seeds, tomato, walnuts and feta cheese. I add olive oil and aged balsamic vinegar to it once its on my plate.

I did the salmon in Lemon juice, a knob of melted butter poured over the salmon, then a sprinkle of Thyme and grated Asiago parmesan cheese on top in the BBQ, she really likes it this way.

I did a couple of eggs in mayo mixed with some hot english mustard and cayenne pepper as it can be a bit bland. Pilled on top of my burger, along with caramelized red onions in garlic butter on top of the egg. A couple of spoons of Bruschetta with the salad and the rest of the egg mayonnaise mix I couldn’t fit on the burger, then dusted everything with paprika.

Why are red onions called red, when they are purple.


Nice…yeah I used to make my own dough when I first started making my own pizza but then I tried these pizza crusts and stopped making my own dough…I’ve tried all of the other crusts but these by far are the best if up ask me…I love thin crust and these are the ultra thin crusts…definitely is great on the grill.


Thanks @PhilCuisine
Will try them for sure.

(Not available local, but I see them on Amazon.)

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Breakfast of champions


I fucking love the taste of Panda crunching in between the exposed part of my skeleton.

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Mrs Foreigner HATES when I do this. I can get away with using maybe 1/4 if the remaining grease and get away with it :joy:


@anon98660487 i remember eating those as a kid. they had strawberry ones too.


Well. Tell Mrs F that SHE IS WRONG.

:laughing: :bacon: :drooling_face: :mage:t4:

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Yeah you can get all flavors in the Asian store down the street from me,and banana Kit Kat’s

I try to use the word “incorrect” because it’s less confrontational. Still doesn’t work :joy:


was my favorite candy bar for a while. :yum:


Never tried them until recently. theyre right up there with Reese’s for me now :yum:

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Red wine vinegar adds a nice tang to a salad. I can’t really compare it to balsamic because I haven’t had that in a while.

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I never seen those before! I kinda want some lol

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You can make tons of awesome salad dressing with a random vinegar/acid and an oil (vinaigrette). Tons of possibilities. Balsamic and olive oil, lemon juice and avocado oil, white/red wine and another etc etc…

It’s usually 1 part vinegar/acidic juice to 3 parts of oil but you can experiment with different ratios if you like things more/less tangy. And of course can add all sorts of things like herbs and seasonings for flavour.



I always have 1-2 table spoons of olive oil and 1 table spoon of aged balsamic vinegar on my salads.

Last night I had veggy burger and salad with 2 fried eggs, I was trying to keep the balsamic vinegar away from the fried eggs, thinking it would not be a nice combination, but it tasted really good.

I have never tried red or white wine vinegar on a salad I have some white wine vinegar, I will give it a go and see what the difference is.


I learned a bit about balsamic vinegar in culinary school and it blew my mind that the traditionally made stuff is in the hundreds of dollars for a bottle or more for the 18+ year aged stuff. Definitely want to try it one day. Usually what I describe as “rich people food” doesn’t interest me much (caviar, foie gras, kopi luwak etc…) but this stuff seems like it’d be delicious :stuck_out_tongue:

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I get my aged Balsamic Vinegar from costco, its made in Moderna Italy, doesn’t say how long its aged for but its strong flavoured, costs about $14 a liter and a bottle lasts a couple of months in the summer depending on the amount of salad I eat. One good thing it doesn’t really go off when my salad eating slows down over winter. I may experiment adding it to soups that I increase eating in winter.


Seafood the underrated protein…