What do stoners eat? 🍴 (Part 1)

Great minds, lol I’m cooking steak for dinner as well ha


My wife is a terrible cook ,she just wings it when she’s cooking throws alsorts of the wrong stuff in the food,that’s why I do the cooking,her mother was a worst cook than her,she lived with us for a while she lived on fish head soup

So I do it all

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Cowboy cut ribeye, king crab legs, grilled corn, baked potato, and garlic bread. I’m stuffed and ready for bed. Sorry for the crappy picture.


Same with my wife, never or can cook. Never was taught. I learned being a cook for a restaurant for five years,… now I explore recipes and perfect. Also been the cook at hunting camp for 12 men for 20 years. That is elk and deer season, were up there for the whole of it.


Damn man, I bet your stuffed! That sounds like a mean plate of food!

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I’m broke an elk down one day for a customer,took me all day to do it,didn’t have a head just the body lol thing was massive

Elk heart lol


We usually butcher anywhere from 3-4 a year between the group, we get it done in a night, being that there’s 12 of us. One would be time consuming for one guy,. My uncle is retired butcher and his knowledge helps. Awesome picture btw @anon98660487


That heart right there is good eating!


Making me wanna grab a filet out of the deep freeze…

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I like breaking things down but nowadays meat is already quartered when it arrives,not many butchers here anyway do whole animal break downs,it’s all about labor costs

I used to work in slaughter houses in Ireland ,moved to the states did a shit load of other jobs before going back to being a butcher,

It’s an easy job I’m not killing myself,15 minute Harley ride
To work in the morning pretty handy


Where the shop?

Wow, I envy your life experiences. Sounds awesome. We break down all our game we get,. Bears deer, elk. Everything we hunt we butch and pack up and it feeds us through the year. Always split evenly amongst the family.

San Francisco ,I also break down chickens for a couple of restaurants lol little side gig,there’s a line of dogs waiting for me to arrive at work in the morning :laughing:
I fed them all one ball of hamburger meat a day,

My boss hates it but it’s good for bussiness he’s just a cheap fucker

I worked in this other high end butcher shop for a few years danny Glover and joe Satriani where customers of mine,


I’m there once in a while, havent been in a long time due to COVID.

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I mite be moving to Texas soon,wife wants to buy a house outside of California.I’ll live anywhere don’t bother me sorta over San Francisco myself,it’s way to expensive here for everything

My wife will be a travel nurse ,she work here in sf still then come home to Texas lol,nurses in San Francisco make good money my wife has been a nurse 20 years only job she ever had


i keep hearing that a lot of people from California are moving to Texas and Colorado, mainly Texas.

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You can buy a big ass house in Texas can’t even buy a burnt out house in sf for under a million lol


Surf and turf


Lucky dog.

Going back to when I used to park a food truck/trailer on the beach in Nicaragua. Unfortunately I had to close it and leave the country due to civil unrest but that’s another story… it wasn’t all doom and gloom.

My laptop won’t connect to the wifi so I snapped the pics straight off the screen so sorry for the weird quality.

Slider plate


Malaysian Laksa Soup with shrimp, chicken or tofu… or a mix

The star of the show, slow cooked Chinese 5 spice pork butt. Marinated for 24 hours with 17 different spices and ingredients then cooked for 6 to 7 hours.

The number one seller, slow cooked pork Bãnh Mi. Some people drove for 40 minutes just for this.

Fresh juices con o sin ron(rum)

Side note: Nicaragua has some of the best if not the best rum in the world, Flora De Caña is aged until it’s free of sugar so it’s very clean and easy on the head the next day

The infamous coconut crusted Mahi Mahi burger with pickled slaw, sriracha aioli on brioche

Do Chua for the Bánh Mi, (pickled daikon and carrot in rice wine vinegar)

More Pork

Yes that’s my land cruiser and no I don’t have any doors, but I could pull anyone or almost anything off the beach in that tank

Chicken Satay

Break time wasn’t bad either… occasionally a sign would say: Closed Chefs Gone Surfing!

Coco Mahi Mahi burger plate