What do stoners eat? 🍴 (Part 1)

Other people cooked, the only thing I cooked that wknd. was the meat on the sticks and I brought the Baluts also.


Just whipped together this baked brie with raspberry filling, felt like having a fancy cheese platter tonight that’s all :yum:


What I was trying to say was you cook a lot of food you post a lot of stuff. Looks like there’s enough for everybody to eat. Sometimes I get excited I’m sure it’s hard for you and others to understand my language. Lol Your food always looks delicious


Thanks @saxo too bad I can’t send a drone your way with some burgers :cowboy_hat_face:

Double choc muffins. Might have over filled the mixer :rofl:


You love the chocolate. Lol


For some reason I have no fondness of Chocolate of any kind, I don’t particularly like it at all. I don’t understand it, sometimes I want to try it. And I do. But I think it tastes horrible. Beautiful spread of cookies btw, that’s a bunch!!! Edit: no negativity towards your cookies btw!


Haha, I was jokingly going to say I am super suspicious of anyone who doesn’t like chocolate :rofl:

Hey we all got our own taste buds can’t like everything! I’m sure there’s a few things I don’t like that would get me the :open_mouth: face from a few people :stuck_out_tongue:


Is there a fine line between muffin and cupcake?


IME cupcakes are mixed differently/for longer to incorporate more air (creaming method). They expand more while cooking and tend to be softer/sweeter but that’s not necessarily a rule. Also usually have some kind of icing on top.
muffins are more dense, bigger crumb less sweet but not a rule and mixed different (muffin method) which doesn’t whip the eggs/egg whites


Grilled corn, parmesean crusted grilled brocolli and grilled pork chops.


Looks good. The steak looks good.


You’re kiling me man, that looks so good. I may make that soon myself

Yours is not helping much either lol.

Even the meat dishes look good, I was starting to drool last night feeding the dog, and then cooking cheese and mushroom omelette on toast, and chips, for the wife, fresh crusty loaf as well, it smelled so good :sob:

Its amazing how my sence of smell gets accentuated when fasting.

3 hours left of my 148 hour fast, lost 12lbs over the last 6 days so that’s good and worth the wait.

First meal will be natural yoghurt raspberries and whipping cream, to get my gut bacteria and liver woke up, then about and hour later it will be Dandelion salad with sping onions, pumpkin seeds, tomato bruschetta, greek fetta cheese, two boiled eggs, olive oil and aged balsamic vinegar dressing :yum:

Edit 3 hours later.

This was so good, the raspberries had so much flavour.

4 and a half hours later.

The dandelion salad was excellent, if you haven’t tried dandelions they are just like romain lettuce in taste and texture, only 3 times more nutritious in vits and minerals, plus they are free.

Added some sundried tomatoes, walnuts and chilli flakes to rhe list, but only managed three quarters of it, I am stuffed. The dog got half a boiled egg and some feta cheese, so she was happy.


You leave the husks on when you grill right?


Depends on the shape they are in. Sometimes in the husks, sometimes in tinfoil.


Foil, :frowning_face:, lol.

I don’t use foil anymore ever. In the husks is the only way I roll, lol. In the oven I throw them in a 350 degree oven for 1/2 hour in the husks. They stay crunchier in the husks vs foil.

On the grill I just use the husk too. If you’re camping the husk can be used as a handle too.


I cook everything on the grill and foil is my best friend. Love using the husks but have no issue keeping corn crunchy with foil.


You should try what I call campfire stew someday. You make a pouch out of heavy duty foil, and add in carrots, potatoes, and meat balls and throw some Lawry’s seasoning in it and seal it up. Then it goes straight on the coals. Use tongs to flip it, and in like 30 minutes you’ve got an awesome meal.

I learned this in summer camp when I was a little kid. You can put different stuff in it too. Onions goes good with potatoes, carrots, and beef.


I hear that brother, I already do that in a few versions. Hard to go wrong. Foil is so easy to carry and has so many uses. Amazing what you can make in it.


My daughter just brought home a box of VooDoo Donuts. She found out they have a $6 box, that’s donuts that are a few hours old. Normally it’s like $30-40 for a dozen. Box of 19 for $6. Ya, that’s Captain Crunch on a couple, lol.


Homemade pizza… all veggies from my garden…crock pot beans with smoked hammocks and veggies…