What do stoners eat? 🍴 (Part 1)

Chomp chomp!

looks like this was a hit!


2 Eggs, Bread, Mayo. A nice sandwich I make I would take a pic… but it would be an empty plate :slight_smile:


Oh snap, you’re not joking. Don’t even remember making it.

I need a proper portfolio

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…that´s the FastFood/to-go-Food from our childhood…

…still yummy nowadays


I really like the simple yellow mustard


Bockwurst is traditionally served with mustard,goes together much better than ketchup


Love the cute kitchen sous chef’s :innocent: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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pot brownies? if so, eating all of that in one sitting is going to mess you up (i know you’re not going to eat it all, lol).

reminds me of the first time i made brownies. I had just started smoking and I didn’t know how much was a serving so I just ate two really big ones, which turned out to be more like 8. another time i ate brownies and laying down felt like i was falling from down from the sky for 4-8 hours. my favorite was when a brownie kicked in and my hand movements were in slow motion, like one single movement normally would be slowed down and turned into more like 20 movements, pretty crazy. sorry for rambling. (if this is too off topic i’ll delete it)


with the good ol’ bautzner its just heaven


exactly…the best mustard ever!!


Nah, you’re good.
They’re cbd brownies. I think they’re legal in all fifty states, but dafuq do I know.

Corners got a little extra-dark on the thin batch. I’ll remove the edges, add frosting, and cut to size before coating in chocolate.

Same chocolate after 7 hours conching. It was silky smooth, but I just added sugar and started a second run.



True that for sure

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that cake does look pretty yummy! …i like the choco-waves on top


It’s not a cinnamon/peanut butter But 100% use of flower!

Edit:6 hours later up from a almost a 3 hr nap the edibles are Worked well today!


1st attempt at canna corn or potcorn! Turned out really good! Saturday movie snack time!


In the bay area we called edibles like that made with ground up decarbed bud in peanut butter, nutella, or chocolate ‘firecrackers.’


Its official, I cant look at this thread… It makes me drool like a fat kid drools over a birthday cake… I’m not even stoned yet and my stomach is screaming give me that food. Damit. Making stirfry vegetables, corkscrew noodles with roasted chicken and spices.


One of my favorite edible recipes is “Honey Sliders.” I got the recipe for Honey Sliders from an old berkeley hippy chilling at Subway Guitars.

To make honey sliders you put finely ground bud in a skillet, and heat it on low until you smell it start to vaporize. As soon as it starts to vaporize, add honey and stir it together. You want to add enough honey to the bud to turn it into a paste. You want the ground bud to be suspended in the honey.

Keep heating on low heat, you want the honey at a medium simmer with lots of tiny bubbles. This decarbs the bud, and extracts it into the honey. You can decide how much you want to activate it. If you want to get a raw unactivated thc medicinal effect, only simmer it for a second. If you want to get high simmer it longer.

Scoop it up into a small bowl with a silicon spatula. It will solidify into a firm candy. eat it by itself, or put it on bread or use it in a recipe. If you chill it, it will turn into a firm chewy candy. It’s very good.

Incidentally, this is basically a simplified version of the ancient middle eastern cannabis recipe “Majoun.”

Majoun is made with cannabis hash or flower, nuts, and dates, and it is sweetened with honey. I’ve made it a few times, and it’s awesome, but very complicated and takes a long time.

I’m going to make it again soon, using a few different traditional recipes from different countries.
There is a sufi version, a persian / roman version, and a morrocan / french version. I’m still doing research to find a traditional lebanese version.

I’ll be sure to post the recipes and photos when I do this project.


saturday night sushi: