What do stoners eat? 🍴 (Part 3)

It does cost a bit to get all the ingredients but I spent around 45-50 bucks but this will make like 10-12 fat servings of pho I also got the brisket at half off to help at a normal 12-15 bucks for a bowl it for sure saves money though

Beef bone 5-8 lbs
Brisket 5-6 pound brisket
2 Onion
Ginger large piece
Rock sugar 1-2 good lumps
Fish sauce as desired (optional I don’t use it as someone in my family is allergic to seafood)
Frozen steak about 1lb cut as thin as possible I’m using ribeye for my raw meat

Take brisket and beef bone cover with water and boil for 20 minutes drain water clean off bones and brisket return to pot with fresh water
Roast onions and ginger on open flame or broiler in oven till nicely charred add to pot
Add a rock sugar to pot when you add onion and ginger
Watch broth carefully and skim any particles that float to top to keep broth clean
After 4-6 hours the brisket should be nice and tender take out of broth and set in fridge to cool to cut simmer broth for 4-24 hours 2-3 hours before serving toast spices in pan to get Fragrant then add to cheese cloth bag to steep as desired add fish sauce to taste
Boil noodles as directed
Served with normal toppings noodles raw steak brisket cut thin bean sprouts raw onion and cilantro and Thai chilis or jalapeño basil etc @Pawsfodocaws