Roast chicken tamarind soup…folks if you ever see a tamarind soup mix give it a try, you wont be disappointed…totally good eats.
With that little bit of banana and mandarin(?), it looks more like you’re bending your fast rather than breaking it.
2nd Meal Chicken, White Rice, Peas, Carrots fried in real butter with spieces and suaces from a local Market. Served with Red Bell Pepper Slices and Whole Wheat Bread.
I try to buy small and local
LOL, Cape Girardeau has changed a lot since I was there…
(circa 1980)
Bacon makes even some of the best tasting foods taste even better.
Strept throat sucks, cant eat anything really. Eggs seem to work, here’s my dinner. 8 scramby eggs. I only eat once a day so its usually a rather large amount.
Lunch today, White Rice, Broccoli, Chicken cooked together. Chicken was fried in real butter with salt, pepper, lemon juice, teriyaki sauce, and Zesty Lemon Seasoning.
Broccoli was boiled, white rice was cooked with real butter added and buffalo broth.
I then cooked all three togther in a pot with milk and sharp cheddar cheese.
Lunch today, Crispy Fried potatoes, steak with a little teriyaki sauce, pepper and buttery steak seasoning.