What do stoners eat? 🍴 (Part 3)

Made the family breakfast this morning. :+1:


Last nights supper, air fried chicken and shrimps…


That looks fantastic.

What are your thoughts on the air fryers? Any drawbacks?


First is breakfast. You know what it is.

I’ve been trying to come up with recipes I might like. This is Chinese Pepper Steak, something I loved as a young child. I can’t know for certain that this is the recipe my mom used. That said, it is fairly similar in taste, or what I recall from 50+ years ago. Definitely looks like what I recall. Mrs. mota’s has the sesame seeds. I think her picture is nicer.


I haven’t found one, and I was highly skeptical prior to owning the thing.
All I can say is…I’m in love with my air fryer!
I’ve done so many different things in it, it’d be hard to list them all. But, off the top of my head; meatloaf and leftover pizza. I will never cook a meatloaf in the oven again. And when reheating slices of leftover pizza, they usually always come out better than when it was first cooked in an oven! :+1:

Meanwhile, I’m pigging out on the burgers and dogs bbq. Man, my sister makes some bomb macaroni salad!


Some things cook too quickly and required a couple test runs to get the hang of them

Frozen french fries cook in half the time.

The basket takes more effort to clean than a cookie sheet but the crispiness is worth the extra steps.

I am in flavour country.


Oh yeah, that’s another one. We will not eat frozen french fries anymore. Just slice up some taters, toss em in olive oil and garlic salt, 400°F with a couple tosses, and voila. Fifteen minutes!



Yellow cheese grits with biscuits. The biscuits are frozen. They’re pretty good. They’re like homemade. The trick to them. Is the turn them upside down.
We have in the south what we call a country link. I actually like it deep fried on a piece of bread.


Those eggs look like they were cooked in the bacon fat…

:+1: This is The Way… :laughing:



Praise the Lard! Oink oink!


Old chefs say tight controlled height is good, for plating, but also that it should appear free, as if it were dropped by the angels themselves like manna lol

It’s all a wonderland of smoke and mirrors

And you eat with your eyes first

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Praise the lard

It’s the secret to every delicious vegetarian dish.


chicago “stuffed” pizza. sausage bacon and garlic. delicious.

edit: barely made it past 2 slices.


Super salad and home made veggie burger in a bun.


Yes!I like the ones with sesame oil, or the sea salt/green tea!

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I don’t believe I’ve ever seen sheet nori with added flavors.

I was talking about taking a full sheet of nori and moving it back and forth across a flame, like a gas stove burner. The nori gets crinkly/crispy and turns slightly brown. The taste is changed by the toasting. It’s delicious! I believe it’s a really common snack in Japan.

As I recall, @Pawsfodocaws has been making maki sushi. I wonder if he’s ever had nori this way?


Love some grits and biscuits! Grandma made biscuits every day for both breakfast AND dinner. Now I want biscuits and gravy.



Not yet but going to try now. Nom

oooh…no,never had it toasted thatway!
I was talking about the little packs of nori sheets you eat like chips…or in soup/noodles

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When I ran the local ‘diner’- I made Country gravy and biscuits… wanted to do Cheese Grits or fried mush, but the uppity city feller that bought the place wouldn’t have it.

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