What do stoners eat? šŸ“ (Part 3)

Also since this is a food thread, all the pics I post of food she made! The reason why I canā€™t see my toes anymore :laughing:


:rofl: nice, Iā€™m addicted to this thread as much as I am cookingā€¦ Iā€™m the only cook here hahaha


Yeah when we got together she came from a family that wasnā€™t very adventurous with cooking so she didnā€™t much at first, but when she realized I love eating so many different things she jumped right in and tried to make everything! Over a decade later she has many things down pat. I only cook a few staples really well: spaghetti, lasagna, chili, enchiladas, and Mac and cheese

Edit: I love seeing all the different things people make on here, so many everyday staples other places are unheard of here.



Me too on both counts, and I hope thatā€™s how it will be for you too, my friend! I hope your marriage is somehow even better than mine is, although I canā€™t imagine how that would be possible.

Mrs. mota and I have been together since 1996, married since I think maybe 2000. I donā€™t do well with my personal history. I think we had a wedding anniversary recently. Mrs. mota had a goal - to be married to me longer than my 3 formers (6, 6 and 9 years) were. Done.

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I worked as a line cook in high school at a nice place, then some more cooking jobsā€¦ as well as cooking at college for the 24 hour cafeteria. :yum: I have been cooking for my family since I was young. Now, I cook for the whole family. I have multiple posts of different stuff because everyone is always wanting something different. Everyone eats different. My wife has Hella allergies, so she doesnā€™t eat anything I like. Besides some rather mild foods like pizza and mashed potatoes, spaghetti etc. I love so many different things, and tend to cook them, rather than go out for them. I canā€™t afford going out to eat. I do have the time to cook the food, which ends up being a ton better imo. Food is pawsome.

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Thank you @mota, and congrats on you and yoursā€™ happiness!

@Pawsfodocaws Dang, allergies, that sucks. To be polite my girl ate only chicken salads everywhere we went at first, I was the one eating the good stuff, so I had to shake her free of that lol. I get a little overzealous with the seasonings in my food to often so I end up making all my food taste similar, so I let her take the reigns.


Nice, no problem. Itā€™s just her taste I guess. Itā€™s all good. Usually means I get to eat the whole pot of food or dish. :laughing: we do give out food to family membersā€¦ Iā€™m stoned as hell now, I want some eggs Benedictā€¦and some shark fin soup for dinner. Maybe some squid, with a couple tuna rolls too. :drooling_face:

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Sheesh that sounds like a spread! The only thing I donā€™t eat too much of is seafood like clams, oysters, squid, octopus, or basically anything with a strong fishy taste. Never had any seafood growing up so I donā€™t have a taste for it. I love shrimp and crab though. She grew up with her dad owning a shrimping boat in Maryland so her favorite things to eat are salmon and scallops. She can have em lol.
I did eat shark steaks one time though and they rocked

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Shark is great. Thatā€™s neat she grew up with that. We have always fished, and crabbed. Crawdad trapping all of it. I love seafood. Mahi Mahi fish was one of my top fish I have had.

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Oh man, donā€™t even get me started lol. We go to buffets and I will get a bunch of fried things that I eat in 2 minutes, she get a spread of shelled shrimp and crawdads and spends a half hour a plate deshelling them while I watch haha. I have had mahi, but I canā€™t get over the texture since it is almost always barely seared on both sides and raw in the middle. I like some sushi but not that much haha

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Schnitzel Burger & Radler in the work van


When I had it it was fried, really nice and crispy. The fish was flaky. Dank. Ya Iā€™m that person deshelling as well :rofl:. I just started with rolling sushi, I have a lot to learn and more types to make. But right now my go to are spicy salmon rolls. And tuna rolls.


Wow that sounds good. I do love tuna sushi the best but sashimi is too much for me lol.

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Now that looks great!


I had a shark ceviche once and it was just fantastic. The shark has been caught that morning.


Weā€™d always make ceviche for people on charters. They loved catching something, watching it get gutted and filleted, watching ceviche be made, and then eating it right there on the boat. I didnā€™t eat it though. Haha


Sounds good man

Whatā€™s this mean, whyā€™s it posted in the foodie thread? Curious.

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Threw out the salt pack and added garlic, turmeric, parm, cayenne and a pinch of salt. Forgot the onions ā€¦man


In some ways, my mom was kind of an unusual woman for her time. She gave the same advice regarding marriage to me as she gave to my sisters, and that advice was never marry until you have lived with that person for a minimum of three years. Minimum.

Iā€™ve been married four times. I donā€™t see any of the prior three as bad or ā€œfailures.ā€ I learned stuff from each woman and loved them at one time. No lawyers involved in any divorce of mine. I give the same advice to my kids and grandkids.