What is the best Chem based product for gnats? Bene's quit working

Mmmmmm, turtle food….:stew: :turtle:


Yup, no pesticides on them … no|nullxnull


Might have to get me one a them. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Alright I will go ahead and call this officially handled. If you run into fungus gnats that just seem resistant to your normal regimen try what I used. I have had this problem with seemingly resistant gnats 2 or 3 times over the span of 20 some years and usually from coco. This will KO them, flyer and all. No need for sticky yellows or DE that screws up your view of the top soil layer. Seems there are no new chemicals and Merit/Avid seem to be the norm, but we don’t need those either thankfully.

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