What is the ideal distance from canopy Gavita?

How far is the ideal distance from canopy for Gavitas 600,750, 850w? Right now I am rocking a 4x4 tent, due to recent living changes. I have the light about 36 in. from canopy and its day 2 flower , I have it set at 600w. I am just curious what is optimal distance so i can adjust accordingly. I want to keep my trichs and overall keep the plants as healthy as possible.


I am using the same light in flower.

I start about 3 feet away, and the canopy stretches up to around 12 inches. If you can keep your containers smaller, you might be able to better control the stretch.

I also have a 400 running in the same 8 foot tent.

After 4 weeks, the plants will start to inhale water from the heat.


How many watts are you pushing that Gavita?

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Thanks for the reply. I know what you mean about the heat. I am running mine at night to battle with the cold winter temps. I also had to put in a can filter and fan, to blow out some of the hot air at the top of the tent. This keeps it at about 78-79 degrees, and 60 degrees at night. Less than 50% humidity.

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The Gavita is set at 600, I guess it is adjustable. The efficiency must drop off at lower settings dramatically. The other is a cheap 400. I am definitely looking at LED solutions.

But mostly, I am moving toward my green house.


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I would not let the cola tops get closer than 18 inches to the 600w Gavita


Ah true, move them off to the side when they do get too tall.

Yeah, I tried to flip them early, to avoid that from happening. Hopefully I can keep these girls contained. If they stretch too much, i can always dial it down, and throw in an led, or just throw in my 600w LED. I wanted to do a run with the Gavita, to see if it is feasible.


These should be OK, but, will you be able to switch lights with the net in place already?

Yeah, it would be a little tough to do, but i have it set up for interchangeability. Just take down the pole and slide the gavita off the pole and slide on the LED and hang.

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With the strains being Rare Darkness, and Stardawg, I don’t anticipate too much canopy stretch. I have run the Stardawg a few runs it doesn’t really stretch.

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Maybe wait and see then.

Keep updating with pics.

If anything looks like it needs help, someone will see it.


as low as possible. as close as you can get the bulb without burning yur tops… that could be like anywhere from 24" or 8"… you can use the back of yur hand as judgement… if its too warm for you, then its too warm for the plants. For a 600 hps in a tent like that w/ the door zipped shut, w/ a small desk fan blowing the tops 24/7, with a 6" vent fan running 24/7 on low setting and w/ all 3 floor vents open, it would be like 12-18" above the canopy.
If your worried about them stretching too much, then unplug the 600w hps and run yur led right on top of them for the first 2 weeks of 12/12… then switch back to the 600w hps. But if were me, i’d move them closer together, run the 600w hps…i doubt they going to stretch enough to be a real issue… if they do, simply stake them and tie down the tall branches. The goal is a full and also even canopy.
The most valuable real estate in the world, is the square footage under yur lamps, so u want to fill the canopy as much as possible and try to avoid light hitting bare floor. With a 600w, the upper-most 18"-24" of greenery is all that matters, eveyrthing below should be removed… i like to prune again at like day 15 of 12/12 and remove anything that doesnt have decent flower formation at that poiint…But i think from the photo, yur pants are only like 2 feet tall, so you’re good, the 600w hps will hit them from top to bottom. They look great man! nice and bushey w/ fat fan leaves. Now its the easy part, 12/12 . I’m looking forward to seeing these develop!


Right on thanks for the input! No doubt!

I turned down the Gavita to 600w last night, because the plants were looking stressed, and exhausted. This is a picture from tonight. Just after watering with fresh coconut water from a cracked coconut, about 2 oz of microbe life nourish-l, and a small cutlet of aloe vera to roughly 4 gallons of tap water. I rotate between using my tall boy to filter my water and fresh tap.



Thanks brother! @deep_rob I will try and keep updates on here. This is actually a 750 w de cmh. I appreciate your feedback!

UPDATE Day 17 Flower after a fresh coconut water feeding. Worms are active, plants are loving life. The close ups are RARE DARKNESS. There is one star dawg plant in there as well, anyone who knows me knows i love the DAWG strains. Fighting a bad fungus gnat problem which I am also documenting here : http://forums.buildasoil.com/index.php?threads/fungus-gnat-problem-in-need-of-help.49/


I know of no other who uses coconut water, but I wouldn’t be surprised if some don’t try it.

Nice dark green fans.


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