What is the issue?



What is the medium? What are you feeding it and how much? What’s your ph?


They aren’t attached to a plant…

Easier to diagnose if we can see the entire picture instead of just a bunch of leaves…


Pretty sure the issue is those leafs aren’t on the plant any more. Duct it or fuck it. Lmao


without them on the plant it’s harder to advise but right off the bat, overwatered?

out on a limb :laughing: :joy:


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Yeahplant pic would help. But are these lower leaves? And only on lower leaves?
Looking deeper i see ph fluctuations. Look at the patchiness in lighter and darker greens throughout each leaf
usually a good phed little bit of epsom salt flush follow with rounded base feed balances it out. Once you get burn it wont fix but the little patches will even out.
Im far from a pro though so def get other opinions. Post a plant pic youll get better ones. . Cant hog her all up.

I appreciate all the feedback. This is my buddies leaves. Based on what he told me he is in soil and his ph is 6.8 I suspect it’s higher but he said that his humidity is around 70% I told him I think it’s a pH issue. He claimed the leaves are from the top and bottom of the plant. Idk. I’m just passing the info along. Hope that helps.

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I’m inclined to say pests of some sort rather than pH issues.

With just some pics of a few leaves it’s hard to say anything. Need full plant shots and more details. pH sounds good, humidity higher than I like to run it. If those are just some random leaves and the rest of the plant looks good, no worries. On the other hand if its progressive then there may be a need for concern.With it being in what appears to be otherwise healthy growth I would guess there’s probably more of this.

From the leaves I could say it looks like a number of things, some have already been said, and the plant itself could be fine. You will get the best information by providing the most information you can to start with on your end. We don’t even know how old/big the plants are, what stage they are in or if they inside or outdoors. Little things that may make treatments vary even more, if there actually are problems.

Try and get some detailed information from your buddy. If it is something that’s progressing it should be addressed sooner than later. Ask as much as you can get about the current conditions and what they were over the last couple weeks. When was it noticed and how has it progressed/been progressing?

Peace, UT


By golly I think you nailed it @StillSmoking!

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