Take a look please guys...ph issue?

Guys, this one plant i have always gets rust spots on its leaves…has great smoke, but every one does this. I thought it was ph. Your thoughts?

Looks like Leaf Septoria caused by either a bacteria or fungus.

Are you reusing your medium? If you are, it may be contaminated.

I’d say we’d need more details to help diagnose the problem.

Water type?
Ventilation situation?
Do you adjust PH after nutes have been mixed in your water?
What’s your runoff PH?

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I’m a newb, but here’s my 2 cents. I’m thinking it might be a mid stage Calcium deficiency. It could be caused by nute lock-out, low phosphorus, or too high a pH. Just a guess.


Yup, looks like something is attacking the plant. You say this plant is the one having trouble. Do you mean clones of this plant. If so, it is a systemic infection. Can’t advise here.

Ah, it does it no matter what it is in. Except grown outside. No though, these are in fresh soil…because i thought it was ph. Been like this with this plant for a year now, and only this plant. When the clones go outside, they do not do that. They produce well, heavy sativa strain.

It appears that the infection is not spread through the vegetation, but in the root system. Are the clones affected prior to transplanting outside? If you can make a new mother plant, I would consider taking a clone for the purpose, and moving this plant outdoors. See if the problem goes away.

There are some experienced growers on this site. They will find you!

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I make a new mother pretty regular. One clipping, grow it back out n flower. Replace with a new clone. It produces very nice bud, just the rusty looking leaves, that of course get worse as she finishes up. Also, i do have another linage that was started, with a seed from one of these plants that got pollinated, that does this…albeit not as bad. Thats what leads me to think it is a ph and or lock out problem…ie its real picky about something.

Other plants

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Could be that this plant finishes this way?

Let’s see who else latches on to your post.

I bet someone here knows what this is.

Have you seen this before @Muleskinner?

Just other plants. Just pinned them down.

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Is it the lighting, those plants look a really dark green. The petioles are pinkish & the cut leaf in the foreground is showing white wispy marks on one side. Got a new pH meter and learned my tap water pH is 8.1, soil was 7.4. Low phosphorus in the nutes combined with high pH locked out the Ca & Mg. My plants showed early stage spotting.

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I would not read to much into color…blurple, hps, mh…and a flash. Far from accurate…lol
The are watered with ro water. I think its mg also…have suspected that for some time.

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what’s your watering routine?.. do your pots sit in water or runoff…

Maybe a zinc deficiency? Looks more like a sickness than a nutrient issue but I’m no master, just my 2 cents. I’d say either an iron or zinc deficiency or disease. Good luck!

Looking like some sort of ph issues indoors , as outdoors it doesn’t spot like that…?! I take it, you’ve flushed and lowered/raised ph in the past.? Does it still finish as normal, if so then I wouldn’t worry about it… just my opinion. Happy growing