What is this black stuff?

Cut the dang leave take your microscope and see what the heck it is already!!! lol


Sorry guys, Iā€™ve been busy.

I donā€™t plan on tasting it :flushed::nauseated_face:

I cleaned it off with water already or I would put it under a scope. I was busy earlier and tired of being on that leaf lol

I have neem oil. There are stink bugs around outside and I guess one got in. Itā€™s the only one Iā€™ve seen. I check my plants religiously :joy:

No, I havenā€™t watered with molasses lately. Only jacks 321. And itā€™s definitely not that color.

I guess we will never know. I shared to this forum bc I knew if it was something bad, someone would jump in and let me know.

Thank you guys :blush:


I have stink bugs and they donā€™t do that. The bad asian ones are back after the polar vortex killed off 80% of those nasty invaders.

:green_heart: :seedling: