What is your method for keeping good breeder stock small (auto & photo)

That easy eh lol… not . I tried growing mushrooms at home. I gave it a full year and close to 1000$ in expenses before throwing in the towel.
Imo cubensis is way easier than tissue
culture . Both have to be done in sterile conditions , it can be done at home in a sterilized glove box or down wind from a hepa filtered flow hood . But not easy.

If 1 bacteria stays on cutting or drifts into your work start again . Just pouring the agar without anything fucking with it is a challenge.


True story, nothing ‘easy’ about sterile tech, but…simple maybe? Simple steps that are always tricky and dicey to do outside a proper laboratory environment. That said, there is strength in numbers. With mushrooms I found that doing 2x the number of petris as I thought I needed got me over the statistical hump with contams where I was able to move forward to spawn and bulk which are much easier to get right.


My problem was hidden contaminations. Not enough experience to recognize . No sterile area . Spent $$ on all the wrong things . Bad syringes magic potions.

Flow hood and good pressure cooker are a must Imo


@Waxman420 @low_and_slow I really do want to learn and try tissue culture, even if I fail miserably. It’s the kind of stuff I do for “fun” :joy: