What method do you use to determine if your buds are done drying and ready for cure?

Hmm Ok… since I dry trim then I’m guessing this might be a little different for me.

I will be removing some of the plant matter before it goes in the jar.

This might actually work out though, I think if I “dry” at 60% RH and then do the trim, they should be maybe 55-58% RH in the jars, which to me is preferable.

I have noticed at 62% the buds don’t vape as easy. I’ve been using 55% humidipacks by Integra for a year or so now and like those a lot.

Thanks for sharing dude, there is a high probability that I will do something like this on the next 2 plants I pull down.

Oh ps, if your jars have a good RH, do you burp them ever? If not, how often do your jars get opened to remove buds for smoking/smelling/ whatever?


Hey you’re welcome man.

I think it should work just fine if you dry trim. Just means you’re trimming at 60.

I run my inkbird with a 5% differential from 57% to 62% which tends to get me right to 60. No reason you couldn’t shoot for 55 if that’s your goal. Same principle.

I don’t burp. I rarely open my jars. I have a coffee table jar that hold maybe an ounce so I open a new jar to fill it maybe once a month.

I have very old weed still at perfect humidity :+1:


@MumenRyder i have always gone by the stem snap & ‘almost smokeable’ traits & turkey bags work great- never using jars again :sweat_smile:

Past growing has all been in a dry climate & I recently moved to one of the wettest places on Earth. Since my electrical supply is limited & I can’t run a dehumidifier properly or a/c, I was trippin on how to dry some little autos a month ago… went straight to the freezer with them.
They were drying but not quite fast enough & as you have observed, the stems were still bendable even though the bud was nearly dry enough to smoke. :thinking:

I finished it off by putting it in a Tupperware with cat litter & it just nuked it :joy:.

One thing I did wrong for sure was going straight to the freezer— f*ng chlorophyll doesn’t break down for shit at -20f or whatever my freezer is at. Bud remained harsh & haylike waaaay to long & the green was visible. So next time I’ll give it a few days to work on that shit.



I am going to have to agree with @Foreigner here only because I run 60/60 from harvest to jar.

I have a dedicated cure tent that averages at 60/60.
That room/tent has been running for over 2 years at 60/60.
It holds both drying plants and my full glass jars.

I constantly have more going on in my head/life than one person should so I have Full plants that were harvested awhile back and not yet put in jars. I mean they are at 60/60 right…?

I am constantly going in and picking off a bud or two to smoke from my already dried (fully intact) hanging plants.

I have never experienced mold in over 2 years of this room running consistently. I have a fan that makes sure there is movement of the air inside the cure tent. The tent is not sealed and I even have it slightly open depending on the environmental conditions/season.

I just went out and took a pic of the right side of the cure tent.
The cure tent is inside an environmentally controlled space. The cure tent also has these dedicated items to control the inside environment of the tent only exhaust fan, A/C, Dehumidifier, Humidifier, heater and fan.

Rather than speaking further …

A pic speaks volumes…

I guess what I am saying is do what works for you! You can read all the information and listen to what everyone else does but when it comes down to it Your environment is Your environment and only you will know what works for your environment based off of what you have read, watched and most importantly what you have tested and retested that works for you.

Experience is the best gauge I have found…

Going to break off a nug now …

Happy Growing y’all :call_me_hand:


Don’t know if your joking, but rice might have been a better choice.



Not joking- it’s actually a really useful technique to dry things & with a rh monitor can be a humidor too. It’s the odorless kind of course.



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This! Two weeks at 60-70 degrees and 60% RH before I even think of jarring; and really, you can leave them there to cure right on the branch indefinitely.


Nice post, I will make a drying rack out of cardboard, let the buds sit for a week but I will tell they are good to go to the jars by smoking one every 2 days or so. If it feel wet, not good to go in the jar unless you have a moiture bag inside.


Okay, So I’m coming up to harvest and don’t wanna bugger it up.
I have a large tote that I’ll be stringing up and hanging the buds on. Room temp is about 18c and rh about 35%. With the buds hanging in the tote (not touching each other) and the lid cracked to allow airflow and rh to build to about 50%.

The question is… with temp at 18c (64f) and rh at 50% am I susceptible to mold during drying?

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I don’t think there’s any risk of mold in those conditions :thinking: