What Other Plants Do You Have?

I absolutely think so too! From the pic it looks like that one has a new crown where the new leaves are sprouting. If so, it can be separated and put in it’s own tiny pot. Hard to tell if it is a new one or if the old one is just off center from the pic. Gorgeous plant! I love them so much!


13 posts were merged into an existing topic: Backyard soil rejuvenation project

Yeah, but I was a real asshole to the leaves for quite awhile. I’ve been watering from the bottom and chopping off the ugly ones every few weeks or so now. I don’t want to cut too many at a time. Supposedly they can still flower with zero leaves, but that would look weird. lol


Proposed new thread idea… yea or nay?

Non-Cannabis Seed Trading (i.e. vegetables, fruits, flowers/ornamentals, etc.)

  • yay
  • nay

0 voters

I have several new packets of veg. seed to trade: ‘carbon tomato’, ‘blacktail mointain’ watermelon, ‘trinidad scorpion’ hot pepper, etc. and more than I can use. Interested in what all others might have in the way of wildflowers & tomato, etc.

:v: :sunflower:



OH hell yes! You know I’m down. We should all post our zones and such in there too. So cool. Plant cuttings, bare roots…too
Makes me all juicy just thinking about it. :laughing::blush::tulip::rose::sunflower::blossom::seedling:


I have a lot of semi-organic, herbicide resistant dandelion seeds :wink:

On a serious note, I would love that. Most of my garden seeds are a little old, but collected carefully at a time when I had time to garden… would live to share them. Kale is built like a brick shithouse, I’m sure it will grow in 2 feet of snow.


I’m dual posting this for any of you who like to grow things and don’t follow my other thread.

On a cool note, I had emailed the makers of Mammoth P since I had been throwing the leftovers in my flowers and other plants… and they responded…

My email… Hi there!
Is Mammoth P safe for flowers? Non cannabis plants? Specifically flowers in my garden. I was wondering if you tested it on other plants and if it works on them?

Their response… Hello Michelle,
Thanks for reaching out! Yes we have tested Mammoth P on flowering plants and crops. Specifically hops, peppers, and tomatoes. These trials all showed an increase in over yield and plant potential/quality.

Mammoth P will work on your house plants, simply add our microbes to your normal nutrient mix or plain water at the rate of 0.6ml per gallon.

All the best,

I thought that was really cool of them! And in case any of my other Gardeners out there have been wondering if it’s worth the money (that shit is expensive) just for their cannabis grows, now we know that it will work on anything! I’m also stoked that it won’t go to waste before it expires. You only need the tiniest bit. I’m gonna put that shit on everything. lol


Well considering that I am stuck in South Carolina awaiting the resolution of some legal property issues, my restless urge to grow must be sated.
So I am starting some basil plants to provide cover/decoy/camouflage for some soon to be cannabis babies.

This will be a quite primitive grow, in that, I have no equipment here. No HIDs…only lights are some cheapo screw in LEDs. No way to measure PH.

I started some basil seeds from last years seed pack. I put them in Jiffy Mix, in the top of an egg carton…a little flat. They were started on Jan 24, began to pop on the 26th, I already need to thin them out.
So they were thinned and fed minutes ago.




Started the remaining Pepper seeds I had left over from last Summer a few weeks ago to grow in my veg box.

Notice the tiny seedling in the tray in the bottom right corner. It looked like it had dampened off and the top fell off. I just left it alone.
I can’t understand it but it has began to grow minus it’s tap root :neutral_face:.



Remember this sad Amaryllis bulb I felt sorry for? Darned if she didn’t shed that funky flower and grow a whole new set. And what a set!


Wow, I seriously misjudged the viability of my old basil seeds.
I just thinned them out yesterday.

Gotta be 100% germination now.


Any of you who have Rite Aid stores in your area, all of their gardening stuff has been 50% off for like a month now. I got all these ceramic pots for 40 bucks. The middle one has 3 total, 2 other sizes stashed inside. Serious bargains. Rush down before they end the sale. Oh yeah, they ALL have drainage holes too!


Awesome! You sprouted them outside? I have some regular basil and some lemon basil that I’m excited about this year. I’m gonna direct sow them near the peppers and tomatoes. Basil is my favorite herb.

Almost forgot… @cannabissequoia what kind of seeds were you looking for? I have tons, they are not made by me, but I have bought thousands. Anything in particular you need? I am more than happy to share whatever I’ve got.


No, they were under a screw in LED until today…temperature went over 60 f today…so under the sun they go.


All the early spring blooming plants I planted in fall think it’s spring here. It’s pretty cool! All the early guys that come up first in the snow other places. Middle of winter… who knew? Gotta love Cali!


Yes I sorely miss my home garden in South FL, South Carolina seems like Ice Station Zebra to me.
But I have to make do.
Back home today, low 67 high 77.
Oh well


Just noticed both of my orchids have flower spikes! 2 on one of them actually. Can’t believe that I missed them. One is super big already, just tied it to the stake. They seemed to love the leftover african violet food.


:blush: wanna take a picture of your stash or type up a list? I’ll get that thread going tomorrow & put up a picture of what i’ve got to share.



I love plants all plants indoor, outdoor I just love growing them, so much so I now have a nursery with about 20,000 ferns are my favourite tho!