What’s the best CBD strain you’ve ever had?

I have some Sierra CBD seeds and forgot to pop one this year!

Definitely the best CBD I’ve ever had! I grew it out in 2013 and It was covered in thc and they grew like a champ!! :muscle:

Anyone ever grown it before?
What’s your favorite CBD strain??


I know before I started to grow for myself I did try a few CBD strains, The strain I liked the best was Sour Space Candy.


ACDC, Cannatonic, and CBD Critical. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:


Pennywise 1:1 at 12-15%. Awesome stuff. Royal Medic is ok, Canna Tsu was alright but the dispo it came from sucks so it might be better if they didn’t grow it. The Shark Shock CBD I had was actually pretty good.


Cookies chill from seedsman. Pheno were all a little different in terms of ratios but generally 2:1 stuff. it’s a great flavor and a good all day smoke. Bummed I didn’t keep a cut, seeds are no longer available in the US

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Sebring’s Revenge is pretty good. 1:1 I made seeds with it and also made hash. After a few hits of the hash, I fell asleep. Good stuff!


I have a few he was kind enough to send me when I asked if he thought he’d have any in the near future. Looking forward to running it and have wanted to for awhile. Glad to hear another glowing review about it!


Grapefruit web from dynasty. All were 1:1 when I tested them. One was 12% of each…most of the others were 7%. Great flavor, great optimistic effects.

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Best CBD/hemp strains I can think of that we tried where Legendary OG and Purple Kush.

I almost grabbed the LEGEND OG this year from a dispensary around here. Never heard of a CBD LEGENDARY OG or a purple Kush CBD.

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They where some hemp strains I tried last year, not to bad for the hemp side of cannabis genetics. Most hemp I hated smoking, the plant matter was just harsher than I would like to smoke, so just went to pressing it all into rosin.