What’s the best WPM spray?

What’s a good spray to kill WPM?I have neem oil but I don’t like it.Is there a good spray that works to kill and prevent WPM.I heard it leaves a footnote in your leaves and it’s a pain to get rid of

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Pm is present everywhere it just needs the right conditions to grow. Get your environment dialed in and you shouldn’t get it.


Why thank you for the sage advice I am so enlightened now I’m going to hover on my chi over there………….>

@grief is right in my opinion.
What are your humidity levels at?
Is this in a tent? Or a room?


Skim milk or peroxide are good all natural solutions


Some good ole Doctor Zymes

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Pm won’t grow over 75f. Humidity can also be the cause.
Dr zymes work but it won’t kill pm nothing will if you give it the right conditions to grow. Pm is an obligate parasite (it only infects the surface of the plant) it is not systemic.


37 percent after water down to 32 percent 34 percent lights on Temp 75 degrees lights out temps 66 degrees humidity at 35 percent

Thank you I hear good things about dr zymes

I had neem oil last min only thing I had

Cease unless your in Canada.
Works hands down.

Also see : Oidioprot & Propolix

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I heard very good things about the Cease.

144 plants 612 lbs with 2 lbs budrot. 2021 season in the bags.
Cease is one that works, outdoors it is easy. Fog that shit out of airless paint sprayer, creates a frikkin windstorm. Somebody said somethin about real world evidence, well I’m in a world of semi reality. Cause I’m semi there when I’m there…lol


No shit Amen to that man.That spray fogger idea is ingenious