What’s the yellowing!



I think it’s just a new leaf. Just looks lightly fed, certainly not malnourished. A nice dose of fish fertilizer wouldn’t hurt.


Looks like a leaf that’s growing up and filling out rest looks great.You have a leaf hopper munching on your leaves thier little shits this time of year.Definitely not the worst pest

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Just in case it could be the start of an Iron deficiency, maybe the soil is too alkaline, just keep a look on it, I may be wrong… beer3|nullxnull


Need more info.

It’s like going to the doctor and expecting them to make a diagnose by just looking at your face.

Photo of entire plant from the side, including the pot would be helpful.

What’s the soil?
Are you using any fertilizer?

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Sorry more questions…is your light too close/bright, the lower leaves look greener?