Leafs are turning yellow


This plant is in my garden, in the ground.
The leaves have been turning this way since a week or 2.
Anyone have an idea what could be the cause?


Try giving a half gallon of water then give it a liquid fert feed high in nitrogen.by using plain water first you avoid nutrient burning the roots

Some strains take mad amounts of ferts overs require little.its just about getting to know what your plants need

What have ya used for nutrients or amendments up to this point? I good top dress of compost or EWC will probably clear it up . What was growing there before the plant?

I wouldn’t say it’s a N issue but maybe more of a calcium deficiency of maybe a lockout due to ph


Nitrogen deficiency but maybe thats just me. For me my calcium deficiency looked way different than that. The yellowing of the leaves like that seems like nitrogen. For me my calcium deficiency has always resulted in spotty yellowing but the uniformed type that youbare seeing here. I could be wrong and way off but thats what I would go with. I definitely agree with @Tinytuttle that it could be caused by lockout but I stand by nitrogen deficency. But hey I never claim to be an expert and I’m sure most people here have more experience so


I just put some calcium and a chicken/cow/pig mix fertilizer and some compost in the ground before planting. Then Like 6 weeks ago I put some more chicken/cow/pig fertilizer on there. There used to grow random weeds and stuff like mint.
I used to grow longtime ago, and I never had these issues and never really used any fertilizer. I thought they would take the nutrients from the ground since they are not in pots.
We’ve also have not been getting alot of rain, and very hot weather, could it have something to do with that? I started watering them every day since about a week when I noticed some of the leaves were changing color. I thought it might not be able to pick up the nutrients it needed because of the drought.

I also thought about the “ph” and I added more calcium about a week ago. I’m not sure if it is helping or not, because I assume that the leaves that are allready affected will continue to die off?


Some deficiencies can be reverse IMO but ya have to catch them earlier enough it could be mag isssues now that I think of it looks like leaves are more in the middle of the plant that are effected have you tried a dilute epsom salt? As @Joboo stated I I’m having a tendency to lean away from calcium at this point N starts low and works it’s way towards the top of the plants yellowing from the petiole out towards the tip of the plant Iirrcc But yes watering and drought conditions can appear as nutes deficiency because of the lack of nutrient transport as well but your plant looks pretty healthy and not sagging In any ways.

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to add to my original post after I zoomed in on it I do see the blotchy signs of the calcium deficiency as well…so yep i think you’re right concerning the lockout and is causing both deficencies


yeah @Tinytuttle I think we are both right here. If you zoom in on the bottom picture you can see the blotchy pattern that usually accompanies cal or mag issues. But it is very similar to the calcium issues I was having. And then the yellowing extending outward from bottom up of nitrogen. **high five :joy:


Welcome to OG. @MFD, as you can see here you have a lot of information and people willing to help you.


Welcome mate, I see it more likely a Magnesium deficiency, Calcium shows more irregular and bigger blotches hum|nullxnull , this yellowing pattern (intervenial chlorosis?) is quite uniform … beer3|nullxnull