What should I know about ordering seeds and clones thru the mail?

Contributed by: god shave the queen Submitted: 08-16-2004 What should I know about ordering seeds and clones thru the mail?

What strain should I get?

  • For new growers, strain selection can be a formidable task. Team Overgrow has tried to alleviate your stress by creating the StrainGuide. The StrainGuide, is the online reference for marijuana seeds from breeders around the world. We only list seeds varieties that are available from retail marijuana seed sellers. This is the most accurate and up-to-date lexicon of Cannabis anywhere! 950 strains from 74 breeders with 681 reports and 5336 images, and growing. An easily searchable database has been created so you may search for items such as "Indica" or "Sativa" or "Blue" or "White." The StrainGuide is also searchable by Med Clubs, Personal Breeders, Landraces & Historical Strains.
  • Who should I order from?

  • While who you order your seeds from will ultimately be a personal decision, Team Overgrow can help steer you in the right direction. The seed vendors & breeders we allow to advertise on Overgrow take every precaution to ensure that your package is delivered in a timely & secure manner. Your personal security is of utmost importance to Team Overgrow & we would never allow a vendor to advertise with us who we feel does not hold your personal safety at heart. Our vendors have been in the seed business for many years & have successfully shipped countless packages to customers worldwide. Discreet packaging & efficient customer service guarantees these companies will thrive for many years to come. -For a complete list of Overgrow vendors, CLICK HERE. -For an unbiased list & ranking of seedbanks that ship worldwide, CLICK HERE.
  • Is it safe?

  • As previously stated... The seed vendors & breeders we allow to advertise on OverGrow take every precaution to ensure that your package is delivered in a timely & secure manner. Your personal security is of utmost importance to Team OverGrow & we would never allow a vendor to advertise with us who we feel does not hold your personal safety at heart. Our vendors have been in business for many years & have shipped thousands of orders worldwide. They provide discreet packaging, delivered in a timely fashion & know that every package lost through Customs or a nosy neighbor, is a customer lost as well.
  • Can I use a credit card/money order?

  • Most seed vendors do in fact accept credit cards & International money orders. Your credit card is billed discreetly & you will not see a charge on your statement that reads "For Marijuana Seeds." We find it best to contact the individual retailers for exact payment options.
  • Safe Addresses & Fake Names

  • If at all possible, we strongly encourage you to acquire a safe mailing address far away from your grow. While we do not know of any busts originating from a seed delivery, your personal safety should always come first. A friend or relative who is in the know or a PO Box under an assumed name will most often do the trick. While we do our best to help keep you safe, our efforts are futile if you, the user, are not doing your part.
  • Time in Transit (How long does it take?)

  • Packages shipped from another country can take quite some time to arrive. Packages have arrived in as little as 10 days & as long as 4 weeks. Sometimes things get lost, misplaced, mishandled or mislabeled. With thousands of packages leaving the doors on a daily basis, a slip up is bound to happen. All of our vendors provide an email address just in case an issue should arise. Some have even gone as far as creating forums & websites dedicated to helping its customers.
  • Customs Issues

  • When you order seeds, if customs finds them, they will be seized. In the US you will get a note stating that they have been seized and that's the end of it. There will be no agents showing up at your door. You will not be under surveillance for the rest of your life.
  • Trading Seeds & Clones

  • The Terms of Use clearly states that we will not tolerate posts which contain requests or offers for illegal drug transactions. This would include seeds & clones. This community is made up of members from around the world. Although the trade of seed is legal in the countries in which some of our members reside there are possibly severe penalties for using the mail system to transport illegal contraband into countries which make up our greatest population. Cannabis seeds happen to fall into the category of contraband. With consideration of input from team members and legal advice, we have adopted this policy. We have also adopted a policy of not permitting public trading of any kind.
  • Team Overgrow feels that since our favourite hobby is illegal in most places on this planet, posts of this nature are a security risk to you, the user, as well as a compromise to overall security. We have also found that posts of this nature are generally a distraction from the main focus of Overgrow. The Staff of Overgrow would greatly appreciate your help in keeping the forums free of such threads & posts. Now with that being said, we cannot monitor or stop discussions via PM nor do we intend to. Many Overgrow members have sent hundreds of seeds in this manner to other friends & members. Please, bear this in mind. Giving out any personal information is risky considering our hobby. Once again, please refer to our TERMS OF USE. This is for your own safety. Overgrow is dedicated to providing our members with the optimal environment in which to discuss marijuana cultivation. We respect your privacy and will never ask for personal information about you. Conversely, we ask that you not reveal any of your personal information on Overgrow.com.

    Thank you graciously for your co-operation.

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  • For a complete list of Overgrow vendors, CLICK HERE

This link is dead or private. Is this information available? Also, possibly off topic: Is this vendor known?