What to do when power goes out?

Ya, and the dehumidifiers for me.

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I lost power to the grow room for 6 days after Hurricane Michael. I left them alone in the dark and hoped for the best. The flowers and veg girls looked rough when the lights came back on but they all survived. There were no hermies triggered by the disruption.


@Puremich420 I lost power too shortly after midnight last night. For about an hour or so. Bad weather, strong winds. We prolly in the same general area of this storm.
I wouldnt worry about it.You may get an extra hour or 2 darkness, Id just reset the timers.


I wouldn’t be overly concerned @Puremich420 It happens all too often here. My plants haven’t shown any adverse affects. Hope you’re not snowed-in.


Might was out for about 4 hours. Wasn’t as long as I thought my lady told me she was up when it did it. But when I got up she was already at work lol. So I was left guessing on how long kinda thing

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Yeah when it did it for 3 days only one in bloom was ok outta 4. All of veg where good as well

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I’ve been without power since last night about 9pm. Thankfully I invested in the Generac so my veg tent had a 15 second outage, max. The flower room runs on a UPS to keep things running while the generator kicks on, so no blips over there at all.

That wind and snow was no joke. I had 3 foot drifts at my front doors and the chicken coop was a bit of a bitch to get into today. (The girls were all snug and didn’t care though, since they also have radiant heat and generator backup, haha.)


Yeah the weather has been just bad this year. Hope you get power back an shoveled out. Stay warm

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You too man. Thankfully I work from home and everything in town is closed so no need to leave the house today.


Yeah I’m right in town but no one has work or school today. So no reason to leave. Lots of shoveling tho lol

Please don’t over-exert when shoveling guys. Found a guy with a Loader, we should/might be dug out by nightfall lol!


Hell yeah. As for me shoveling I got 3 out of my 4 kids who help. But I’m also in heart of the soo. Driveway is long. Good watching out tho. Odd how people have died from shoveling in the UP. Heart attacks an random not paying attention. My kids where out yesterday for 10 mins. Snow fell off the roof an they came running lol


edit, they missed at most 2 hours? no worries


So my solution for power off days is actually very simple and cost me about $30 for way more than I need to keep them happy.

I use these ultra bright led lights to keep the room “On” times of rolling blackouts or bad weather. Works like a charm from my perspective.

I have 6 in my room and it’s brighter than the 100w bulb in the closet.


Brilliant! Thanks Doc!


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I can’t even imagine, the only issue here is the summer heat. IF only it got a bit colder here it would be a lot easier to grow purple :slight_smile: