What would cause a change and loss of terps week 8 of flower

What would cause a change and loss of terps week 8 of flower

I left for 6 days and the pH drifted out of range but aside from that nothing different. I also started exhausting 24/7 vs half hour on every 2 hours due to smell creeping outside.

Before I left if I brushed against them I’d stink the next day after a shower and multiple hand washings. Was just with my plants and sticking my nose to them I didn’t smell much so I squeezed a bud and still not much as well.

I don’t usually visit them at lights out but had to empty a dehumidifier that I forgot to during lights on. Maybe they stink less at lights out?

I should be chopping soon and this is bugging me out

A post was merged into an existing topic: Terpenes. The smell behind cannabis