Looking to increase Terpenes

Hi all! I’m growing in coco using Advanced Nutrients. I use the base formula plus B52, CalMag, Big Bud, Bud Candy, and I also use Hyshield. Results are good, but what could I add specifically to increase terpene production?

Also, what about Overdrive? I’ve used it for years, then I ran a crop without switching to OD, using Big Bud right up to flush. The results were pretty good. What specifically does OD do?

Thanks in Advance!


This topic is interesting for me… waiting for our fellows contribution! Good luck with your cultivation!


I’ve heard Harpin Protein works.


The terpenes is like a defense for the plants ? (googling about Harpin Proteins, its for estimulate the defenses ant etc)

I’ve read here in the forum about the Pine terpene is natural repellent and the strains wich have are stronger against bugs and plagues

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I use overdrive for two weeks starting at week 7 of a 10 week strain alongside megacrop and p.k. I don’t use any other products. Overdrive increases the trichome production massively compared to before I started using it. Supposedly when used alongside bigbud the results are even better. I’ve not really looked into the science behind it. It started because I had a store credit but every nutrient I use I already had in storage so I picked it up just to test it out. The results where that good I’ve used it the end of all my grows for the past 2 years now. :ok_hand:
Edit - adding a dehumidifier and getting the rh right down low will massively increase trichome production. :+1:


Proper calcium levels and Epsom salts. Alfalfa and other amendments will help as well.


There are also other variables to consider:
Plant genetics
Harvest at peak ripeness like some kind of fruit


Salicylic acid and chitosan.
Youre paying for their time and marketing.
The active ingredients are a few cents worth of powder but you need to know wtf you are doin.

Ozone, wind, bugs (chitosan), bacteria (harpin), ethylene (LST, HST…wind) elicit stress response.
SA increases response.

Im not smart just get high and read a lot.


Harvest about 2-3 hours before lights on, Terpene production goes up exponentially at night to hold off bugs. Only way I know that 100% works

Insect frass will make the plant preamp terps to deal with the bugs they think are there.( never tried this but have a friend that swears by it)


Anecdotally putting them in dark 48 hours before harvest seems to make some more thrichomes but insect frass is insect poop and some chitosan.


Frass increases the Gas! And bone meals are suppose to help with flavor


I wound get some Overdrive in your situation for sure! I used OD in the past and it helps finish your buds the last few weeks before harvest


Plant hormones like Norwegian Sea Kelp, along with Humic, Fulvic, and Amino Acids…

Kelp contains high amounts of the hormone, cytokinin . Cytokinins are responsible for cell division, cell enlargement, differentiation of cells, development of chloroplasts.

I use a product from Kelp4less called Extreme Blend. It’s a dry mix that contains all of the above in a simple to use foliar or drench…but most efficient as a foliar spray. 1 tsp per gallon once a week…can literally tell the difference the very next day!

Another go to that I use in every stage is a Silica product like AgSil16H…Agsil has the most plant available Si than any other product! And it’s dry so you’re not paying for water in a fancy bottle!! :wink:

Happy growing OG



There is no magic ingredient you can add.

Products like “terpinator” are a scam.

Better genetics, grown and processed well. All you can do about it.


Don’t forget about a good light with added uva, uvb.


I don’t add anything to my plants outside of 321, cal mag, and great white. My environment is usually pretty on point. I think my buds are frosty and stinky :v:

Keep them happy and watch the show. Not helpful probably but that’s my .02


I do use Chitosan, that’s the main ingredient in Hyshield. I started using Hyshield when Bud Factor x became so scare. Seems to work ok, but it coagulates in my solution.

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Research “Stress Development”, “Supercropping”, “Bending”, hi stress scrogging.


Try gypsum


I don’t do anything special but keep them fed/watered and the environment in check. That’s all it comes down to really. A healthy plants going to produce what it’s dna is coded to.