What would your Dream Home contain?

For the record, I fully intend on stealing all of your good ideas and passing them off as my own. :wink: :joy: I can only hope that you’ll all do the same. :beers: :bee: :beers:

Share with us the massive and minute details, down to the cultivar of grass on your lawn and flavor of the water you’d use to fill your bidet. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

The idea came to mind while I was doing dishes, to have a smart faucet with temp, EC, and flow rate sensors in-line, displayed on a nice little blue light panel. I drink a LOT of tap water, plus it’s what I feed the plants, so any aberrations would be good to know asap.

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:sunglasses: helpful, benevolent, sexy androids :robot:



A recliner that skins up while making decent coffee and answering calls would be a good start :thumbsup:


I want an underground like the movie blast from the past with @99PerCent 's greenhouse that pops up out of the ground

  • 2 story minimum basement/bunker.
  • 20+ft tall, 4-season tropical sunroom with koi pond.
  • Off-grid power supply.
  • wild west themed billiards loft

Three phase power.
10 ft ceilings in the basement + natural light.
Structured wiring throughout.
What 99PerCent has a picture of.
External barn or workshop.
Lofted ceilings. SIP panels or foamed insulation.
Geothermal heating cooling loop.
Solar or wind turbine.

Helipad? To escape.

One of these would be very nice.

The beds not bad either…


Hopefully a lot of dogs, no dream home is complete without dogs in my opinion



I’ve always dreamed of having a house at the top of a southern facing hill on the north side of a lake. The two-story greenhouse would also be mandatory, on the south side of the house, with a lounge area designed to give the best view of any passing thunderstorms.

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