What ya got gettin ripe?

i’ve got four of the saddest looking …“girls” you’ve ever seen. had them on a thread so i won’t post any pix of them here, didn’t take any today when i transplanted them. the reason they’re so sad is that i stressed the hell out of them when i just chopped them for clones. i left a stalk in the dirt and kept them under the light and since they had been under 12/12 when i chopped them they hermied and all just put out pollen sacks and seeded themselves. now they’re halfway doing that thing where the males die after they release the pollen and they’ve revegged on top. it’s the strangest thing i’ve ever seen.

the breeding project is those two (not them, but pollen collected from some males) panama red and temple flo crossed with a cbd and a thcv that i forgot the name of both right now. it should make for some interesting results. dude with the hemp seeds ghosted me or i’d have a half acre of breeding going on.