Whats the best way to get rid of fungus gnats?

pretty sure caterpillar spray is BTk which doesnā€™t work on fungas gnats, might want to double check, BTi is the one you need

for making your own sticky traps you can use petroleum jelly liberally on yellow or orange note cards or construction paper. or if you have it on hand you could use rubber cement brushed on liberally, although that would be 2nd choice due to the fumes


Correct on the BTiā€¦

It worked! :slight_smile: I was going to add that bit with my update, but there we have it. It took about the same time as the MosquitoBits/BTiā€¦about 2 weeks, a week more and I expect none, but weā€™ll see. The cost advantage is pretty clear for me: 20$ for bits covers a couple/few plants(way too $$), and the Safer Caterpillar Spray, I use anyway. I believe I dosed it at the same rate as the spray.



Water less, let them dry out as much as you can without killing the plants. After put an inch or two of sand as a top soil. This will stop any gnats in the soil from getting to the surface.
You can also use diatomaceous earth food grade, this will kill many bugs and is safe for humans so long as you arent huffing the stuff. It cuts their exoskeletons and they dry out and die of dehydration.You c line your yard with tis stuff to kill any and all bugs that want to cross that line of death
If i had pots with a few holes on the bottom i would temporarily tape them to stop adult gnats from getting in through the bottom.
Killing adult gnats flying around with your hands when you can, clapping, helps also.It adds up eventually with all your other traps.
Also yellow sticky paper, gnats are attracted to Yellow color
You could make a home made natural trap of apple vinegar and water simply in a bowl, they will drown in it.

Fungus Gnats generally do the most damage to clones and seedlings. Generally adult plants can soldier through a gnat infestion, but fresh clones and especially seedlings can be decimated by them


Got a pretty bad infestation going on. Bought some of this today going to give it a whirl. Iā€™ll report back.


oh no! they jacked my Natty Dread! :bug: :wink:



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Haha yeah I read your post earlier in the day, I wanted some immediate. Plus this cost only 14$ and itā€™s highly concentrated

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Mosquito dunks were 12$ for 6 of em.

(since iā€™m cheap/frugal/poor) maybe same some for ā€œcloningā€ a la my recipe? couldnā€™t hurt if you have a jug & some sugar/molassesā€¦

ā€œā€¦the tide is turning!..ā€ :ocean:

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Do you mean save some for you to use with your recipe instead of the dunks?

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yep. it probably only takes a small amount to ā€œseedā€ your brew, let the simple-sugar/water be their home for a few days. itā€™ll cost you almost nothing & canā€™t hurt, imo. :sunglasses:

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Right on. Man my plants loved the stuff. I checked them when I got home from work this morning and dang were they praying to the sky! Iā€™ll probably add a couple drops next time I brew a compost tea also.

Got @gnats ?

Fungus Gnat soil treatment - Gnatty Dread

1 gal dechlorinated, warm water
1 tsp molasses
1.5 cup ā€˜Mosquito Bitsā€™

Combine in gallon jug & shake vigorously several times over 24-36hrs, keep unsealed in room-temp., dark.
Filter out mosquito bits with sieve(use outdoors or on houseplants)
Mix resulting brown STINKY funk with water 1:1, apply to soil surface thoroughly after normal watering or between waterings.

This is done in addition to light soil surface covering/mulch with the Bits.

I did this and went from Gnat-city to almost zero Gnat-tivity in just a few days. DRASTIC DIE-OFF. I :heart_eyes: love it.

My previous application of just the Bits themselves has required 3x as much time at least(typically see same results after 2 weeks).

:tophat: :evergreen_tree:


Makes sense, basically propagating the BTi bacteria to make it more potent. Nematodes and predator mites get the job done for me.


do you think the molasses is suffocating the live ones?

i canā€™t find mosquito bits in canada, just the dunks, and i donā€™t want to have to smash em up myself. i just keep 1-2 inch layer of perlite on top of my soil to prevent them from getting down to lay their eggs.


A glass jar with some apple cider vinegar and drop of dish detergent, cover the top of the jar with tin foil and poke holes with a fork. Once they enter they never leave.


better than the ā€œstickyā€ trap, you say? :wink: now iā€™m out of gnats. dang.



ā€¦ iā€™d never thought of perlite as a ā€œmulchā€ indoors. it usually works itā€™s way up when i water to quick. i have thought to use a 2" bottom layer in a fabric-pot & see what happens.

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(i put the molasses in to create a bacteria population explosion)
that bacteria was hungry after a day or so and just raped the containers. it was weird to see so many dying gnats struggling. i knew they were infected when they couldnā€™t fly! muahaha :dagger:


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