Whats the best way to get rid of fungus gnats?

I also find single-mode insecticides are usually rendered harmless to the bug in question after a period of time. They adapt.


4 posts were merged into an existing topic: What kind of mite is this?? Help!!

Fungus gnat or root aphid flyier ?

That’s a fungus gnat.


Ever try birdshot?

Also, I’ve tried a tablespoon or two of mosquito bits in a gallon of water soaked overnight. They kept coming back. Then I saw this video, the person contacted the company and the VP sent her a email back. He says to use 1/4 cup of bits in a gallon, soak 30-60mins before use.



A Rod From God works wonders!

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I enjoyed the reading. Very true on your statements.


one thing to remember with pesticides, which began after WWII - odds of American getting cancer during lifetime in 1900: 1 in 22. Today: 40% and rising. That’s a 1000% percent increase in cancer with the timing perfectly in sync with the rise of synthetic chemical pesticides in our food supply.


Hey @BudSy. Do you clean your fabric pots between runs? If so how? Thanks



I cleaned them in the washing machine (I’m a bachelor frech|nullxnull) but was ineffective, now I am going to hang them in a fence and use a pressure washer, expecting better results … ejem|nullxnull


I’ve tried yelling at insects when they infest soil…

It does not work.

I have also tried yelling at my fabric pots to clean them…

Also does not work.



In the past I have used repeated applications of DE to the surface of the soil in my containers combined with yellow sticky fly traps. This controlled them well enough.
It’s been over a decade since I have had any fungus gnats at all.
Anyway, next time I see the little bastids, I think that I’ll give this method a try.



Gnatrol and Fungus Gnat Control – NaturesGoodGuys

Shortly after I joined the OG family years ago I made a new friend. He was the first cat to send me some seeds. @99PerCent became my mentor and taught me a lot. When I caught a case of Spider Mites I contacted @99PerCent in a panic. I asked him “how do you get rid of spider mites ?! “ After a brief pause he replied “kill em”. I’ll never forget it.




Yo @oleskool830 , I just washed with bleach and rinsed them. However, since that post I have stopped using soil for my mothers. I keep my mothers in a DWC setup now. :+1:


Accept them.
Hang yellow sticky traps.
Water from the bottom.
Water less.
Fuck it.

When you are growing organic/no-till then the larvae help break down the topdressing, they’re like micro worms, they do improve your soil. Once your plant is really vegging they seize to be a threat because they don’t go deeper than an inch or so. Sprouts and seedlings have a tough time surviving, but it’s a way of making sure only the strong survive. Natural selection. I throw more seeds in. Problem solved.


I found not much helps completely get rid of them. Especially when growing in living soil. They just go through swings.

I tried gnatrol and it actually worked to my surprise. Only works on larvae of course.