Whats the best way to get rid of fungus gnats?

Molasses is the best. Traps them. They cannot escape plus it makes them sticky they can’t fly and they die. You can make you some apple cider vinegar traps. But do yellow sticky paper works best for blackflies. Dr. earth makes final stop they cannot stand that stuff. It is real safe to use it has oils like wintergreen cinnamon stuff like that but molasses is your best pest control sulfur they can’t stand


I solved the problems with gnats by using diatomaceous earth in the soil composition and making light fortnightly mulches mixed with charred rice husk. I also make a foliar based on EM-1, vinegar, 70% alcohol, oil, detergent and diatomaceous earth. (You just have to mix very well because the diatomaceous earth clogs the sprays.) If the infestation is very severe, it is worth reducing the number of waterings in order to reduce the humidity of the environment.

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War has been declared on Fungus gnats. Man I am sick of these little bastards. I’ve engaged in a three prong campaign of devastation on them and I’m not letting up till I see no sign of them.

  1. I’m using BTi, 2 drops per gallon in every ounce of solution I use and I’m not going to stop using it for at least a couple weeks.
  2. I’ve got yellow stickies all over the place.
  3. I am spraying the tops of my pots and coco with EPM 2-3 times a day.

I’m hoping to see not one single FG in one month.


I hate them. They got up my nose year before last. I got cheap dirt. I had flys everywhere. Drying your soil out is a big help.

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I just started using mosquito bits, I tos a small handful on top of my pots and water. Cut the population way down. They’re not gone, but there’s way less of them


I have read that. I have seen rice and sand to keep them out.

For me, so far the best results have been prevention. Physical barriers over the tops of my pots have worked well. I use mesh fabric that is used for screen printing and that keeps the buggers out.


My favorites are:

Hypoaspis Miles
Rove Beetles.

Some good EWC will have all that already.


I’m trying a layer of perlite right now, I think I was told so by MOTR once. I did not have sand at hand. I have seen a gnat jump onto the sticky trap out of confusion right after that. :skull_and_crossbones:

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Stop watering until your plants start wilting.
Repeat as necessary.

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Mine is a Wasabi plant that likes it very wet. It will die if I stop watering. :man_shrugging:


Molasses. It will stop them. Good luck.

Beneficial nematodes! They work!


Fart in their general direction!

I placed my order with these folks, Why BioLogic? | BioLogic Company
Over on BeanBasement, I read one of the big commercial growers posted up this stuff and the site. He said, it wiped out gnats very very well.
I’ve NOT used this yet so, not making any claims. But all the other dudes info has been golden.

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if charged well you can snatch them right out of the air with this. I catch at least 5 a day with this thing. It traps them as well.


I use blumats and organic soil so part of the surface is always moist. I’ve switched mostly to fabric pots which gets rid of the openings in the bottom that the gnats will use. Prior to that I would pack those areas with perlite. But the one thing that solved the problem for me was neem meal. After I had a bad infestation and started over with fresh soil I’ve mixed neem in my blend. I havent had any issues since. There is talk about neem having affects of people but I don’t add neem every time I amend my soil, every few runs. I feel there’s enough residual to not need it every time. My lady brought some new plants into the house recently and I started seeing gnats flying around, one was right outside my tent…I did a light top dress as a preventative and haven’t seen anymore around. Didn’t see any in the tent at all luckily. I do not want to deal with that headache again.
I tried de on the surface, sprays, sticky traps, bti but none of them solved the problem like the neem cake. I use a fair amount of ewc so maybe I have nematodes but I’m not sure honestly.

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Stop watering and/or get more drainage and aeration in the soil mix, fungus gnats are attracted to wet stagnant soil that allowed a unfavorable fungus to grow. To much coir, peat, wood chips(biggest issue) and overwatering is usually the culprits. If they have already taken over it’s extremely important to not only let things dry before the following watering, but get some fans blowing across the top of your soil so those lil fuckers can’t land and keep laying more eggs, I’ve battled this before and didn’t have to use any pest control, just fans and time without water and about a week later and they were gone.


I used Mosquito dunks in my water.I let thr dunks sit in my watering jug all the time then I add the water to my teas to mix them.If anyone remembers I had a dirt gnat problem from hell and they never went away till I started using to dunks.Took 2 months and not a single gnat in my traps.Keep a good culture of those dunks in your water and they are genocided.


Summit Chemical 117-6 Quik Kill Mosquito Bits, 30 Oz - Overstock - 20217538

If watering less and DE aren’t helping…

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