Whats the best way to get rid of fungus gnats?

I just did a cleansing routine where I took all my plants and washed and scrubbed them in the shower in a tub of cold water. Today there are no gnats left that I could find.

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I use the bits over the dunks. I use the strainer tea balls filled with bits. They do a decent job. I usually keep them beat back, with pulverized garlic bulbs, detergent/vegetable oil concoction. Love the garlic smell it gives off. Gnats hate the stuff.
Gnats are just a part of indoor growing.
I also grow some indoor vegetables for shits an giggles. Got 2 10 gallon pots of potatoes growing now. You are not going to grow them cheaper then the farmer will for sure.

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Iā€™ve been breaking them in half and sliding them down the one gallon jug.When Iā€™m watering the tea down in another jug the half dunk sits sideways in the neck of the jug and canā€™t come out.Over Time little itty bitty pieces shag off the Dunk but for me I donā€™t mind as much.They go into my teas and end up being distributed in equal parts from the bottom of the watering cup to all plants as part of a constant addition of small bits of the Dunks into my top dressings.With the automated water system it leeches the dunks into the soil over time all the time .I like the tea ball idea I wish I thought of that sooner it would have saved me in the long run.Now I can pop a dunk in one and keep it in my bucket reservoir with my bubbler and keep my bucket clean and not itch about it.Thank you Sir for the nugget.Now my auto water will have dunks in it as well like a anti gnat IV dirt gnats can piss off and bother me no more.


itā€™s a simple matter to kill fungus gnatsā€¦done in less than 2 weeks using BT @ 1 teaspoon per gallon in your feed waterā€¦itā€™s over for the entire grow in short order. Dunks and especially Bits, are a waste of time and money. You donā€™t need sand, vermiculite, diatomaceous earth or anything on top of your soil.

OMRI listed and it works flawlessly.


My first ever order from BioLogic, I got the 5 million packet, add them to 4 gallons of water. Put them in my sprayer and drenched everything organic, totes of covered up medium that is ready to use. Spent medium for vegetables, the vegetables, everything. The excess I dumped in my reservoirs to recirculate.
I never used the wee killing machines before, BUT Iā€™ve used BT in waffers and bits for many years. BT kept my outdoor fountains from becoming mosquito breeder farms, as some were shallow and could not keep fish well.
we will see.

DE mixed with cinnamon, sprinkled on top of the pots, yellow sticky traps. Tried mosquito dunks, didnā€™t notice a difference.

Think youā€™d want to get BTI instead of BTK though, no?


If any BTi products arenā€™t working for fungus gnats thereā€™s always a good chance product age and storage conditions could be the culprit. Who knows how old the various Amazon warehoused dunks/bits/pouches are and what sort of temperatures they were exposed to. That could be extended to any biological listed on amazon as well, including and especially nematodes. Shipping costs may initially seem painful from reputable sources until you buy products with free shipping that donā€™t work at all. If youā€™re going to buy the Mosquito Dunk products you may have better luck shopping locally rather than online, or with an alternative BTi product like gnatrol.


In my opinion a combination of Nematodes , Stratiolaelaps scimitus Womersley (Hypoaspis) and BTi along with physically trapping and vacuuming adults is an extremely effective approach, and possibly overkill.


:slight_smile: Absolutely not. I want the BTK

I got my 5 million nemeā€™s from here:Why BioLogic? | BioLogic Company I think it was $40.00 delivered. I mixed up the packet to the instructions and I used my sprayer I already have, over buying the their cool sprayer. Iā€™m a tiny gardener in the grand scheme of things, BUT, I have a lot of pots growing, some out door plants over winter down there, my vegatbles, my clone area, and small plants, then into my flower area, there are 4 seperate areas, and some hydro resevoirs and a tray.
My medium, is large chunk perlite/coco husks/compost/Dr.Earth additives. I use that medium for potting or for hydro, a sort weird Hempy Bucket, mates with a Krusty bucket.
I made up the 4 gallons, and sprayed it everywhere, medium, spent medium tote ( use for vegtables), storeage medium, even all the house plants.
The next day, I was not expecting to see any difference and maybe there was some beat down. I was so busy with other self crisis stuff, screening and hanging another light.
The second day, however it was very obvious that gnats were way less, in flying about.
I could see a few here and there, and if I disturbed the top of the medium Iā€™d cause some to fly about. But very reduced.
The third day, wow, like I had sprayed Avid or something like that, as I had to hunt for them now. When I lift the medium cover of the 2x2 tray, maybe a few could be found, unlike the wee cloud that would whip up before the nematode attack.
So, for me, itā€™s a stunning win!!! How long?? Who knows. Best $40.00 I spent for my gardens in ages.

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These are the Dunks I use.I keep them broken in half for 2 pieces to stick down thr neck of my watering jugs.I keep some in a tea strainer in my main water source to keep the bits out of the bucket and water my plants with a constant IV of dunk water on my automated system with water nozzles.They Sell these on the shelves at Home Depot indoors near the potted plant shit.I havenā€™t seen a dirt gnat since I was 2 weeks into dunk water.Whatever that shit is it kills them bastards dead.Keep yellow stickyā€™s to pick off the strays and keep a fan on them plant bases make it impossible for them


An easier way to get them bottle ready is to put them in a bag and introduce them to a hammer :slight_smile:
To me they are a waste of time, I might change my tune if it was a puddle I was trying to treat. Bits or dunks, poured or placed on the surface are not viable for too long. It would be better to bury the smashed dunks an inch or two below the surface. The effectiveness lasts for weeks that way as opposed to hours. I think even less of bitsā€¦they are a total waste of money. Better to spend the few seconds to smash the dunks instead of using those.

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No mosquito dunks in the EUā€¦ We have gnatrol cant a hold of IT is for professional use onlyā€¦

I collect rainwater and leave 1/4 pieces in the buckets as I will fill 3-8 5 gals. I just kept that up for a couple months. They were surviving flightlessly for a while, and now are completely gone, none on the strips for weeks. Iā€™m still not sure why btk would work ā€˜betterā€™ as it only is supposed to infect caterpillar larvaeā€¦although there is a larval stage for most insectsā€¦perhaps bti in liquid form would be ā€˜bestestā€™ but so not available in Canada. Youā€™ve obviously used both, I have a fresh bottle of btk, but I was only going to use it outdoorsā€¦ it is a bit of a debate (not me) but Iā€™m interested how you ended up ditching the bti, curious. I donā€™t think I risk anything at all by switching to btk, but had success with bti dunks bashed up. Oh yah btk is wayyyyy cheaper, hmmmm.

I like to have them stick in the bottle they donā€™t fall out when I dump them

Ok, I can explain it better :smiley: I think the dunks will work as you are using them, but the time frame of months is unacceptable. If you look at the life cycle of a fungus gnat, itā€™s only 14 days. It has 4 stages of growth and all you need to do to wipe out one completely and your problems are over in 14 daysā€¦there are no reinforcements coming so to speak. The BTk does that very well, dunks do not. I typically mix my dirt up from bagged stockā€¦so the lil bastiges are in those bags as everybody finds out. Once mixedā€¦I have some gnats, but I put out yellow stickyā€™s to cut down on fliers and proceed to pot up, then water the plantsā€¦This dirt will be used twiceā€¦once it comes in, used 2 times than goes outside for some TLC rejuvenation. Thatā€™s 6-8 months that the soil could be inside. But hereā€™s the thingā€¦typically, after day 10, I never see another gnatā€¦ and after day 14 I no longer use the BT in the water for the next 200 plus days.and no gnats. Never bought dunks or bits again and never will at least not for fungus gnats. And if you grow outside, you already have the product to combat bud worms. I been doing this for years and many, many grows. It really works and itā€™s really easy. Give it a shot :slight_smile:

Thanks, I do pretty much the same with the soil rotation, mines almost 10 years old now. Yeah I will def give btk a go IF (and when) the little buggers show up againā€¦which is usually when I bring in my outdoor plants to finish in the fall (also when PM can arrive. lol) I love living soil, and perpetual harvestā€¦duuurrrrr.

just saw a post on builda soil Instagram page, he used mustard seed meal and said it works good for fungus gnats, looks like it works well on root knot nematodes.now I just got find a source in Canada.

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2cups of neem meal bubbled in 5 gal of water for 24hrs then drench the soil!


Noticed since I started to reuse my soil Iā€™ve not had any gnats