Whats the best way to get rid of fungus gnats?

This shit is great and a few of the sticky yellow sheets slide down on the edge around inside of pots will get the ones that survive. You also got to trim lower leaves or they get stuck to them.


Iā€™m on straight perlite and use a sterilizer in my feed water and I havenā€™t seen fungus gnats in about 2 years now. FWIW.


Predators poo and stick to buds too

Haha itā€™s a rap

: )

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Iā€™ve been using Neem oil extract concentrate. Forgot the damn name. Bottle is so pricey but I got it for 10$ not sure what the guy was thinking at the hydro shop but I got a great deal !

actually the best way is to cut back on your watering . the extra moister is what brings them and keeps them . To start dry out the top layer of your soil try keeping is dry for a couple days that will kill the eggs then in a spray bottle put a bit of hydrperoxiod and spay it to kill the last bit of egg peroxide go easy but it shouldnā€™t huurt your plant .By know you shouldve have started to notice there going and just keep it as dry on top as you can it does take practice but its worth not having the buggers around .fungus is the key word keep the fungus out no knats !!!

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I use BTI and they seem to dissappear within a few waterings. Its supposed to be pretty harmful stuff if it gets on your skin so i wear gloves and treat the water as if its lava.

Also you only need to add a very small amount. I add a pea sized scoop to 3-5 gals. I dont ever use more than a pea sized scoop at once cause im pretty sure even that is a lot. 5ml can treat an entire pond it says lol

Before I started using fabric pots I had to endure the fungus gnats. With Fabric pots the top soil dries out faster limiting how many gnat larve can survive to adulthood. I hardly notic them now and I live in a swamp.

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I just went through a horrible infestation, tried multiple ways to kill, and the absolute best way I found was resetting, and pouring enough boiling water in the soil to saturate and kill any bug or egg or larve before bringing it into the tent if just store bought cheap soil anyways. You will want to use a microbe additive after or your organics wonā€™t break down to feed plant. So far my reset worked and no bugs, plants looking way better too.


BTI, sticky traps, and plenty of air movement. Cut back on the watering and make sure environment is dialed in


I saw someone post about this and itā€™s something Iā€™ve done in the past. The frigging gnats canā€™t lay eggs in a thick layer of sand. Lay down a good sand covering over the soil and they are fuuuuuuuuuuucked.


Actually, they can eat anything in your soil that isnā€™t completely composted. They also eat new sprouts and have been known to eat roots if thereā€™s not enough to eat.

It depends on the pot. Iā€™ve had great success covering with sand but they lay their eggs in the drain holes too. So you have to think about that.

The thing that works really well is beneficial nematodes, with or without rove beetles but I usually use both.

You can keep nematodes forever by putting some dirt from the old pot into the new one. But rove beetles will eventually die of starvation after wiping them out.

Sand is heavier then most soils so over time watering pushes the sand down and makes a mess. A layer of perlite is better.

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Sand will inevitably get all over your buds if you do this outside.

Fungus gnat larve will eat the seed out of a shell after the seed opens a tiny slit. If you want something lighter a thick layer of perlite will work.


Use Gnatrol when you water. No more gnats.


Wow. I thought everyone has had to deal with gnats. If you ever do get them just get some Microbelift BMC. Fungus gnats are more annoying than anything. Iā€™ve had to deal with gnats, thrips, spider mites, and root aphids.But I get clones and thatā€™s where the thrips and mites came from. Thrips and gnats are easy to deal with. Spider mites and root aphids take a little more work but it isnā€™t the end of the world. Iā€™m still using my original soil.


Ever notice how one mosquito donut treats over 100 sq ft of standing water, without a volume measurement?

I put a boogers worth in my water supply once/twice a week.


A nearly stressful amount of wind/breeze :+1::+1:


I am thankful for the fact that I have not had to deal with them. I have actually not had to deal with any pest problems in my grows ever. I am very fortunate in that regard.